Override Matching Page


The Override Matching case type incorporates the handling of data sets containing potential duplicates of the same record, all of which correlate to a single real-world entity. In the Override Matching case, you are presented with a list of instances, or potential duplicates, of attribute records from multiple sources. You can then re-group the instances as needed.

Navigation Options

There are four options you can use to navigate to the Override Matching page:

  • From the Home page, to rearrange Instance records of two or more Golden records.
  • From the Master Comparison page, to rearrange Instance records of one Golden record.
  • Using the link from the Issues pop-up window, to view pre-created Override Matching cases (corresponding icons are displayed on Details 360, Master Comparison, and Home pages).
  • From the Issues page, to view already created Override Matching cases.

To select records for the Override Matching case, click the Linking button in the Home page first, as shown in the following image.

Note: The Linking button may not be available for all pages. It is pre-configured by appropriate policy.

When Linking mode is enabled, you can select records based on what you want to use to create a Matching case.

Note: Any record currently under the Override matching may not be remediated under any other Override matching case.

At least two records should be selected in order to be navigated to the Override Matching page. If no records were selected, the Link Records button is disabled. If one record is selected, the Link Records button becomes available, but the notification message appears when you click on it.

If you want to rearrange the Instance records of one Golden record, navigate to the Master Comparison page of that record and click the Override Matching button, as shown in the following image.

Note: If a record has only one instance record, then the Override Matching button becomes unavailable. If the record is already under the remediation process and has more than one Instance record, then the Override Matching button will be available for use and will lead to an opened case.

Another way to navigate to the Override Matching page is through links in the issue pop-up window (if the matching case already exists in the system).

To see the pop-up window, move the pointer over any Matching remediation icons that are displayed on Details 360, Master Comparison, or Home pages, and then click on the appropriate link. Information displayed on the pop-up window can be configured by the System Administrator.

For more information, see Override Matching Page.

Note: For user roles, the matching link is disabled because the user has no permissions to view or work with matching cases.

If a case is assigned to you, the Override Matching page will be displayed in Update mode, so that you can continue working with it. If it is not assigned to you, it will be set to Display mode, where no changes can be made.

You can also navigate to an already created matching case by selecting the appropriate link on the issues page.

The same method applies with links in pop-up windows. If a case is assigned to you, the Override Matching page will be displayed in Update mode, so that you can continue working with it. If it is not assigned to you, it will be set to Display mode, where no changes can be made.

Note: Closed Matching cases are displayed on the Issues page and in Remediation pop-up windows. Those cases can be opened in Display mode only.

Page Structure

The structure of the Override matching page is displayed below.

The Override Matching page is composed of the following main blocks:

  • Bread crumbs
  • Workspace: Golden records panel
  • Workspace: Instance Details panel
  • Expand/Collapse Workspace control
  • Activity Stream
  • Case Properties

Using bread crumbs, you can navigate to the previously visited pages.

In the Golden Records panel, you can manage group compositions such as: creating new golden records and rearranging instances between Golden records with drag and drop functionalities or context menus.

In the Instance Details panel, you can view details of several instances at a time. Instance details and panel fields can be configured through the Administration module.

For more information, see Instance Details Panel.

The Expand/Collapse workspace controls shows and hides the Activity stream and Case properties, and expands/collapses the Instance Details panel. When the workspace is expanded, the Activity Stream & Properties link will be displayed in the bottom right corner of the page. The Activity Stream & Properties link shows the Activity stream and Case properties sections.

All activities such as comments, transitions through the workflow for every attribute, general comment, and issue reassignments, and are tracked in the Activity stream.

The Case properties section includes general information about the case (assignee, created date, current status, and so on).

Group Decomposition

In the Golden records panel, the instances and their affiliation with Golden records they belong to are reflected.

Each Golden record is displayed as a container with an order number assigned for convenience. Instances are displayed as small tiles with Source system and Source object IDs on them. Each Instance record tile is displayed inside a container which corresponds to a Golden record they belong to.

On the panel, you can manage Instances and move them from one Golden record to another. Additionally, the after edit composition is displayed. To view the original composition (the state before any changes were made), click the View Original Composition button.

In the View Original Composition mode, you cannot rearrange instances and perform any other actions (except for viewing Instance details in Details panel). To go back, click the Back to Editing button.

Note: The View Original Composition mode is not available in Display mode.

Create new Group

In the Golden Records panel, you can create a new group to move Instances to it.

To create a new group, click the Add New Group button. The new empty group panel appears. You can move Instances to this panel. The golden record can be deleted if it does not contain any instances.

Rearrange instances with drag and drop

To rearrange instances between groups, you can:

  • drag the instance tile from one Group container to another.
  • drag the instance from the Instance details panel to the corresponding Golden record container in the Golden record panel.

When you start dragging an instance, its image is dragged (half-transparent, duplicate) and grouped where it can be dropped. It is then selected when the pointer is over the container.

When the item is dropped, it sticks to the grid of the new Group and disappears from the previous Group, so that one Instance record does not exist in two Groups. If there are more than four Instance records, the container is expanded horizontally.

Another way to rearrange instances is to drag them from the Instance Details panel.

You can drag instance record headers in the Instance details panel to the corresponding Group container. While dragging, the image of the Instance record is displayed.

When the Instance is dropped to a new Group container, it becomes a part of that Group and is removed from the Group (and corresponding container) which it belonged to before.

You can also select which Instances to be displayed in the Instance Details panel. To do that, click the Instance Records label, select needed Instances and click Done. After that, the table will be refreshed and only relevant Instances will be displayed.

Using a scroll bar, you can also select how many Instance records you want displayed at a time (from one to four).

Creating a case

A matching case can be created after saving any activity on the page:

  • Adding a comment to the case.
  • Clicking the Save button.

After the case is saved, the Activity stream and Case properties sections become refreshed with the appropriate information, and the workflow actions drop-down list appears beside the Save button. The fields of the Case Properties section can be configured through the Administration portal.

For more information, see Case Properties Panel.

The Workflow actions drop-down list contains values available for current roles (for example, Data Stewards can send cases for approval and Data Supervisors decide whether to approve or reject it). After selecting the appropriate value, the Submit button becomes available, so that a case could be sent to the workflow.

After the case is sent to the workflow, a notification message is displayed.

To discard all changes made from the last save action, click the Reset changes button.

If you have some unsaved changes made on the page, and try to navigate outside of it, a warning dialog box will appear, as shown in the following image.

The Created Override Matching case is displayed on the Home page accordingly:

The row with opened cases is highlighted in amber color and the appropriate icon is displayed.

Reassigning a case

If you want to reassign the case to someone else, click the Reassign link in the Case Properties panel.

Note: The Reassign link is not available for closed cases.

If there are any unsaved changes on the page, and you click the Reassign link, then the warning dialog appears, indicating that cases with unsaved changes could not be reassigned.

When there is no unsaved data on the page and the link is clicked, the Reassign dialog box appears. The functionality of it is similar to the Assign dialog on the Issues page.

A list of users are available in the Assign to User drop-down list. When you start typing in the field, data is filtered dynamically to display only the relevant information.

If a case cannot be assigned to the user selected from the list (for example, because the selected user has no permissions to resolve cases, and so on), or the entered data finds no matches in the database, the appropriate validation message is displayed.

If the selected user is valid, the Assign button becomes available and the case(s) can be reassigned.

After clicking the Assign button, you are redirected to the Issues page since the case is no longer your own.

Note: Select the Send email notification check box if you want an assignee to be notified about the reassign activity.

Workflow schema

The schematic workflow of the Override matching case and workflow actions available per role are shown in the following image.

When the case is closed with the help of the Resolve Direct or Resolve -> Approve workflow actions, the re-composition of Golden records is performed according to changes made in the case.

If the case is closed with the help of any other workflow actions displayed above, then the re-composition of Golden records is not performed.

When the case is closed, records that were under the matching remediation process are highlighted on the Home page with green color. A new matching remediation process can be started for them.