

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application-level protocol with the lightness and speed required for distributed, collaborative, hyper-media information systems. HTTP enables easy management of agent resources through management applications, such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, and so on, which are readily available in all systems.

The iWay Adapter for HTTP/S provides the iWay Service Manager Server Integration platform with the ability to send and receive messages over secure HTTP. It enables you to take advantage of the Internet by providing secure, reliable, and efficient communication with external business systems, whether within or outside of your enterprise.

The iWay Adapter for HTTP/S:

For inbound messages, the adapter receives incoming messages through the registered URL, with the message payload being either an XML message or an arbitrary proprietary data structure.

HTTP Listener Properties

The following table lists and describes the HTTP listener properties. For instructions on creating a listener, see Configuring Listeners.



Port (required)

The TCP port for receipt of HTTP requests.

Local bind address

The local bind address for multi-homed hosts: usually leave empty.

Document Root (required)

The base directory from which all HTTP pages are served.


The timeout interval for the TCP socket.

Default Page

The default page if no page is identified in the incoming HTTP(S) request.

Response content type

This overrides the content type of a response.

Default Text

The default text sent with 200 OK. Takes the configured Content Type.


The full path to the keystore file, which provides certificate material to be used for secure connection.

Keystore Password

The password to access the keystore file.

Keystore Type

The type of keystore file (JKS is the default value).


The file that provides trust certificates used to authenticate clients. Leave blank to use the default JVM truststore. For more information on security, see the iWay Adapter for EDIINT User's Guide.

Truststore Password

The password to access the truststore file if it is required.

Truststore Type

The type of truststore. For more information on security, see the iWay Adapter for EDIINT User's Guide.

Security Provider Class

Overrides the default Sun provider, which is:

Security Protocol

The protocol to enable security. Security protocol values include:

  • SSL. Supports some version of SSL. May support other versions.
  • SSLv2. Supports SSL version 2 or higher.
  • SSLv3. Supports SSL version 3. May support other versions.
  • TLS. Supports some version of TLS. May support other versions.
  • TLSv1. Supports TLS version 1. May support other versions.

Security Algorithm

This overrides the default security algorithm (SunX509).

Client Authentication

If set to true, then authentication is required from the client.

Require Authorization

If set to true, the listener implements HTTP basic authentication using one or more authorization drivers.

Whitespace Normalization

This specifies how the parser treats whitespace in element objects. Select preserve (default) to turn off all normalization as prescribed by the XML Specification. Select condense to remove extra whitespaces in pretty printed documents and for compatibility with earlier versions.

Accepts non-XML (flat) only

If set to true, then the input data is sent directly to the business logic step. The data is not preparsed, parsed, or validated. This flag is used primarily to send non-XML to the business logic or replyTo without processing it.

Optimize Favoring

Use this option to customize how the listener performs. For smaller transactions, select performance. For large input documents that could monopolize the amount of memory used by iWay Service Manager, select memory.


This indicates the number of worker threads (documents or requests) that iWay Service Manager can handle in parallel. Setting this to a value of greater than 1 enables the listener to handle a second request while an earlier request is still being processed. The total throughput of a system can be affected by the number of threads operating. Increasing the number of parallel operations may not necessarily improve throughput.

Default: 1

Max Value: 99

Maximum threads

Parallel threads can grow to this count automatically on demand. Over time, the worker count will decrease back to the multithreading level. Use this parameter to respond to bursts of activity.

Execution Time Limit

The maximum time that a request may take to complete. Used to prevent runaway requests. Any request that takes longer to complete than this value will be attempted to be terminated. (See the kill interval for related information in Global Options.)

Default Java File Encoding

The default encoding if incoming message is not self-declaring (that is, XML).

Agent Precedence

This sets the order by which iWay Service Manager selects agents. iWay Service Manager selects the agent or agents to process the document by searching through the configuration dictionary. Usually, it looks for a document entry in the configuration and when a match is found, the agent specified in that document entry is selected. If a matching document entry is not found, or no agent is specified, the engine looks in the input protocol configuration (listener). To have the processing agent taken directly from the listener (thus ignoring the document entry), use <listener> overrides <document>.

Possible values are <document> overrides <listener> and <listener> overrides <document>.

The default value is: <document> overrides <listener>

Always reply to listener default

If set to true, the default reply definition is used in addition to defined reply-to and error-to destinations.

Error Documents treated normally

If set to true, the error documents are processed by any configured preemitters.

Listener is Transaction Manager

If set to true, the agents run within a local transaction. Agents can roll back uncompleted transactions.

Record in Activity Log(s)

If set to true, then activity on this channel is recorded in the activity logs. If set to false, the activity will not be recorded.

Note: The HTTP listener supports streaming. Streaming is used for large documents or documents for which the application needs to split the input into sections under the same transaction. For more information on streaming and configuring streaming preparsers, see the iWay Service Manager Component and Functional Language Reference Guide.

Reference: HTTP Listener Special Registers

The following table lists and describes the special registers on the HTTP listener.








Each header value from the message.




The action field of the post.




The defined docroot from configuration.




The IP address of the sender.




The current active configuration name.




The base at which the server is loaded.




The path to the base of the current configuration.




The physical length of the message payload.




The assigned name of the master (listener).




The protocol on which message was received.




The type of HTTP request (GET, POST, or HEAD).




The host name of the sender.




The type of full URL of the HTTP (GET, POST, or HEAD).




Unique transaction ID.

HTTP Emitter Properties

The following table lists and describes the HTTP emit properties. For instructions on creating an HTTP emitter, see Configuring Emitters.



Destination (required)

The URL to which to post this information.

Action Method

Select GET (with data on the URL and URL encoded) or POST (with a content length header).

Response content type

This overrides response content type value. Choose from among the following values:

  • application/EDI-X12
  • application/EDIFACT
  • application/XML
  • text/html
  • text/plain

User ID

A valid user ID for basic authentication challenges.


A password associated with the user ID.

Response Timeout value in seconds

The time (in seconds) to wait for response before signaling an error as integer.

IP Interface Host

The local IP interface from which the outgoing IP socket originates.

IP Interface Port

The local IP port from which the outgoing IP socket originates.

Relay Inbound Content Type

If set to true, then the relay headers are received as content type.

Set TCP No Delay

If set to true, then this parameter disables the Nagle Algorithm on the client socket. This results in a faster line turnaround at the expense of an increased number of packets.


If set to true, emit through proxy server.

Proxy URL

The URL of the proxy server.

Proxy User ID

The user ID for proxy authentication challenges.

Proxy Password

The password to access proxy server.

Secure Connection

If set to true, then the emitter uses a secure connection. You may be required to configure the keystore under the HTTPS section of the system properties if client authentication is required, or if a certificate is used that does not have a matching entry in the default truststore of the JVM.

Use 128-bit Encryption

Select true to use 128-bit encryption.

Security Protocol

Select from the drop-down list.

SSL. Supports some version of SSL. May support other versions.

SSLv2. Supports SSL version 2 or higher.

SSLv3. Supports SSL version 3. May support other versions.

TLS. Supports some version of TLS. May support other versions.

TLSv1. Supports TLS version 1. May support other versions.