Preparing Your Database on Other Database Management Systems

This section describes how to prepare your database on other Database Management Systems for Omni-HealthData.

  1. Create the required databases.

    While it is the prerogative of the database administrator to define the names of the associated databases, it is recommended that the following databases and associated schemas be created and ready for use:

    • omnihealthdata. Contains all tables used by the data acquisition and consumption layers of omnihealthdata, including all System tables, all On-Ramp (*_r), Source (*_s), Instance, and Master (*_m) model tables, as well as Remediation tables.
    • cohort. Contains all tables and views required for the Cohort Builder.
    • healthviews. Contains all tables and views required for HealthViews.
    • omnirepo. Contains all tables required for implementing Data Quality (DQ) rules.

    The creation of the database is generally the responsibility of a database administrator. The user ID that is used to create and update the database must be available during the installation.

    Note: Omni-HealthData requires case-sensitivity on the database. While most Database Management Systems are case-sensitive, by default, SQL Server commonly ships with a COLLATION property of SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, where “_CI_” indicates Case Insensitive.

    In order to ensure case-sensitivity on the database, the collation property must contain a “_CS_” (Case Sensitive), rather than a “_CI_” (Case Insensitive) value. This can be set through an ALTER DATABASE command.

  2. Ensure that the database server is configured to allow TCP connections and that the TCP ports are active.