Master Comparison Page of Historic Records

For each golden record, a history of versions is also tracked. You can view this list of versions with indications of changes in a specific version. You can also select a version to see all the values of golden records and instance records in that version, and leverage the compare functionality to view differences between opened versions and current/previous versions of the golden record.

When you click View History, the overlay window is displayed, which shows a list of all versions of the golden record. The version number, creation date, and number of instances are displayed for each record, as shown in the following image.

To navigate to the Master Comparison page for any version, click the version number link.

When a version that is not current is selected, a NOT CURRENT label is displayed, as shown in the following image.

You can return to the current version using the breadcrumb trail to the left of the page title.

The structure of this page is similar to the current version of a golden record and can be configured in the same view using the Admin Console. For more information, see Using the Admin Console.

The only functionality that is accessible for non-current versions of a golden record is the Compare option, as shown in the following image.

There are several values that you can select for the Compare option.

To select a value for the Compare option, click on the down arrow next to the Compare button and select the value from the drop-down list.

As a result, highlighted in blue are the golden record attributes that are different from the version you compared against. By hovering over the value, you can see the appropriate value in the compared version.