Upgrade Consideration for Existing Matching Repositories on Microsoft SQL Server

Note: This upgrade consideration applies only to those upgrading from Version 3.8.3.

Omni-Gen™ Version 3.15 is packaged with iWay Data Quality Server (DQS) Version 12. Omni-Gen™ Version 3.8.3 included DQS Version 10. In the underlying DQ database, the creation of tables differs between DQS Version 10 and Version 12, as follows:

Note: As per current Microsoft SQL Server specifications, the text type is obsolete and the varchar(max) type should be used instead.

If you are upgrading from Version 3.8.3 and you are migrating an existing Matching repository that resides on Microsoft SQL Server, you must execute the following SQL commands to modify the data2 columns on the repos_subject_data tables to use the varchar(max) type:

ALTER TABLE repos_facility_data ALTER COLUMN data2 varchar(max);
ALTER TABLE repos_facilitylocation_data ALTER COLUMN data2 varchar(max);
ALTER TABLE repos_member_data ALTER COLUMN data2 varchar(max);
ALTER TABLE repos_organization_data ALTER COLUMN data2 varchar(max);
ALTER TABLE repos_organizationalunit_data ALTER COLUMN data2 varchar(max);
ALTER TABLE repos_patient_data ALTER COLUMN data2 varchar(max);
ALTER TABLE repos_payer_data ALTER COLUMN data2 varchar(max);
ALTER TABLE repos_practicefacility_data ALTER COLUMN data2 varchar(max);
ALTER TABLE repos_provider_data ALTER COLUMN data2 varchar(max);
ALTER TABLE repos_providerpractice_data ALTER COLUMN data2 varchar(max);
ALTER TABLE repos_worker_data ALTER COLUMN data2 varchar(max);

If the data2 columns are not modified to use the varchar(max) type, the following error is generated during the Match steps when processing data:

ERROR com.ibi.omni.managedservices.ManagedJavaService$IOThreadHandler:656 [FATAL]

[match_patient_write.comp] [80] Internal error occurred during run of the plan:

java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Operand type clash: 
varbinary is incompatible with text[STEP Match patient/Match patient[Extended Unify]]