Installing the Omni-Gen Server and the Omni Governance Console

How to:

The Omni-Gen Server and the Omni Governance Console (OGC) can be installed on a Linux server by running the TIB_og_mdm_3.16.0_linux_x86_64.bin downloaded file. This .bin file must be run from the Linux command line by a user who has the correct privileges to execute .bin installation files.

Similar to the Windows installer, the Linux installer prompts you with a series of configuration questions. The installer uses these responses to direct the installation of several components and automatically configures these components based on the responses that were provided.

Procedure: How to Install Omni-Gen Server and Omni Governance Console on Linux

On Linux platforms, installing as user root is not recommended. Creating a dedicated User and Group with appropriate rights is preferred.

  1. Copy the TIB_og_mdm_3.16.0_linux_x86_64.bin installation file you downloaded to a directory on your system.

    Note: Omni-Gen Version 3.16 is packaged with iWay Data Quality Server (DQS) Version 12. When you download Omni-Gen from the site, you will receive a temporary key for the DQS software. If you need a permanent key, contact Customer Support.

  2. Use FTP in binary mode to transfer the installation file to your Linux system.
  3. Navigate to the directory containing the installation file, and ensure that you have the correct privileges to execute the installation file.

    Note: If you do not have the correct privileges, then type the following command at the command prompt to use the execute privilege on the installation file:

    chmod 777 TIB_og_mdm_3.16.0_linux_x86_64.bin
  4. Enter the following command at the command prompt to start the installation:
    ./TIB_og_mdm_3.16.0_linux_x86_64.bin -i console

    Note: The -i console command runs the installer in console mode.

    The installation may take a few moments to initialize.

    Preparing to install
    Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
    Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
    Launching installer...
    Omni-Gen                             (created with InstallAnywhere)
    Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...

    When the installation is ready to begin, the Introduction pane opens.

    InstallAnywhere will guide you through the installation of Omni-Gen version 3.16.117.
    It is strongly recommended that you quit all programs before continuing with this installation.
    Respond to each prompt to proceed to the next step in the installation.
    If you want to change something on a previous step, type 'back'.
    You may cancel this installation at any time by typing 'quit'.
  5. Press Enter to continue.

    The Accept License Agreement pane opens.

    End User License Agreement 
    If you have another valid, signed agreement with Licensor or a Licensor 
    authorized reseller which applies to the specific products or services you are downloading, accessing, or otherwise receiving, that other agreement controls; otherwise, by using, downloading, installing, copying, or accessing Software, Maintenance, or Consulting Services, or by clicking on "I accept" on or adjacent to the screen where these Master Terms may be displayed, you hereby agree to be bound by and accept these Master Terms. These Master Terms also apply to any Maintenance or Consulting Services you later acquire from Licensor relating to the Software.
    You may place orders under these Master Terms by submitting separate Order Form(s). Capitalized terms used in the Agreement and not otherwise defined herein are defined at
        Applicability. These Master Terms represent one component of the Agreement for Licensor's products, services, and partner programs and apply to the commercial arrangements between Licensor and Customer (or Partner) listed below. Additional terms referenced below shall apply.
           Subscription, Perpetual, or Term license Software
           Cloud Service (Subject to the Cloud Service Terms found at
           Equipment (Subject to the Equipment Terms found at
  6. Read the terms of the license agreement and continue to press Enter until you reach the last section of the license agreement.
  7. Enter Y to accept the terms of the license agreement and then press Enter to continue.

    The Choose Installation Folder pane opens.

    Choose Installation Folder
    Please specify the folder which will be the root of this installation.
    Where would you like to install?
      Default Install Folder: /home/userid
  8. Enter the desired installation location (for example, /data/omni/product/omnigen) or press Enter to accept the default installation folder and continue.

    Note: If you entered a unique path, a prompt to confirm the path is displayed. Select Y to confirm and then press Enter to continue.

    The Choose Java Virtual Machine pane opens.

    Choose Java Virtual Machine
    Please Choose a Java VM for Use by the installed application
      ->1- /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_211/bin/java
  9. Ensure that the Java version located is version 1.8 or higher, and then press Enter to continue.

    The Specify Base Port Number pane opens.

    Specify Base Port Number
    Choose a port number as the starting point.
    Base Port Number (Default: 9500):

    Specifying a base port number automatically assigns a set of port numbers for use by Omni-Gen components, and is used when installing more than one instance of Omni-Gen on a single machine. If you are installing a second instance of Omni-Gen, or need to configure different ports to avoid conflicts with systems already deployed on your OmniGen host, then see your system administrator. Otherwise, click Next to continue.

  10. Type a unique port number or press Enter to accept the default and continue.

    The Specify Hostname and Domain pane opens.

    Specify Hostname and Domain
    Enter the Hostname and Domain
    Hostname (Default: hostname):
    Domain :

    The default host name is the machine on which you are currently installing.

  11. Type a unique host name and domain, or press Enter to accept the default values and continue.

    The Specify Location of JDBC .jar Files pane opens.

    Specify Location of JDBC .jar Files
    Omni-Gen uses a DBMS specific .jar file(s) to implement the JDBC
    protocol and communicate with the DBMS. The JDBC jar file(s) are
    supplied by your DBMS vendor, and you must copy them to a location
    on the target Omnigen Host machine, and enter the location of the
    JDBC jar files below.
    Enter the location of the JDBC jar file(s). (Default: /home/userid/jdbcjars)
  12. Specify the location of your JDBC .jar files (for example, /data/omni/product/omnigen/jdbcjars) and then press Enter to continue.

    The Configure Omni-Gen Server Databases pane opens.

    Configure Omni-Gen Server Databases
    Overview of OmniGen Databases & their Configuration
    Omni-Gen uses 3 logical Databases: The OGS Database, The Remediation
    Database, and the OGS Data Quality (DQ) Database.
    Both the OGS Database tables and the Remediation Database tables are
    created and managed in the same physical database which is specified in
    the following screens in response to the Installer’s prompts for the
    Remediation Database parameters.
    Following the entry of Remediation Database configuration parameters,
    the DQ Database tables will be created in the location specified in
    response to the Installer’s prompts for the DQ Database parameters.
    When configuring the two (Remediation and DQ) database locations, you
    may configure two separate locations, one each for Remediation and DQ,
    or you may configure 1 physical location for all three Databases.
    The example in this document will use 2 different Database names,
    one for the (OGS plus Remediation Databases, and One for the
    DQ Database.
  13. Press Enter to continue.

    The Select the DBMS type of the Remediation Database pane opens.

    Select the DBMS type of the Remediation Database
    Select the DBMS type used for OGS & Remediation Databases
        1- DB2
        2- Oracle
      ->3- Postgres
        4- SqlServer - Microsoft Driver
        5- SqlServer- OpenSource jTDS Driver
        6- Teradata
  14. Type the number that corresponds to the database that you want to use for Omni-Gen Server (OGS) and the Remediation database.
  15. Press Enter to continue.

    The Enter OGS Database Parameters: Oracle, Postgres, Teradata pane opens.

    Enter OGS Database Parameters: Oracle, Postgress, Teradata
    Enter the OGS Database Connection Parameters
    User Name (Default: omnigen): postgres
    Password (Default: omnigen): postgres
    Host (Default: localhost): hostname
    Port (Default: 5432):
    Database Name (Default: omnigen): omnigen
  16. Specify the DBMS-specific parameters for the combined OGS and Remediation database, and then press Enter to continue.

    The Verify the Omni-Gen Master Database URL pane opens.

    Verify the Omni-Gen Master Database URL
    Review and or Edit the Omni-Gen Server (OGS) Database URL
    Database URL     (Default:
  17. Verify the database URL, and then press Enter to continue.

    A test connection is made to the specified target DBMS based on the specified parameters.

    If you receive a message indicating that your connection test failed, verify your DBMS parameters and that your database name exists in the DBMS you are using.

    When your database exists and the user name, password, and host are correct, the Omni-Gen Server Database Connection Test Passed pane opens.

    Omni-Gen Server Database Connection Test Passed
    Omni-Gen Server Connection to
    jdbc:postgresql://hostname:5432/omnigen succeeded
  18. Press Enter to continue.

    The Select the Data Quality DB’s DBMS type pane opens.

    Select the Data Quality DB’s DBMS type
    Select the DBMS type used for Omni-Gen Server - Data Quality Tables
        1- DB2
        2- Oracle
      ->3- Postgres
        4- SqlServer - Microsoft Driver
        5- SqlServer- OpenSource jTDS Driver
        6- Teradata
  19. Type the number that corresponds to the database that you want to use for the Data Quality (DQ) database.
  20. Press Enter to continue.

    The Enter DQ Database Parameters: Oracle, Postgres, Teradata pane opens.

    Enter DQ Database Parameters: Oracle, Postgress, Teradata
    Please enter the Omni-Gen Server Data Quality Database Connection Parameters
    User Name (Default: postgres): postgres
    Password (Default: postgres): postgres
    Host (Default: hostname): hostname
    Port (Default: 5432):
    Database Name (Default: database_name): omnirepo
  21. Specify the DBMS-specific parameters for the DQ database, and then press Enter to continue.

    The Verify the Data Quality Database URL pane opens.

    Verify the Data Quality Database URL
    Review and or Edit the Data Quality database URL
    DQ database URL     (Default:
  22. Verify the database URL, and then press Enter to continue.

    A test connection is made to the specified target DBMS based on the specified parameters.

    If you receive a message indicating that your connection test failed, verify your DBMS parameters and that your database name exists in the DBMS you are using.

    When your database exists and the user name, password, and host are correct, the Data Quality Database Connection Test Passed pane opens.

    Data Quality Database Connection Test Passed
    Data Quality Connection to
    jdbc:postgresql://hostname:5432/omnirepo succeeded
  23. Press Enter to continue.

    The Select the Omni-Gen Server Runtime Protocol pane opens.

    Select the Omni-Gen Server Runtime Protocol
    Omni-Gen Server Runtime Protocol
        1- http
      ->2- https
  24. Select the desired server runtime protocol (HTTP or HTTPS), and then press Enter to continue.

    The Verify the Omni-Gen Server Port Numbers pane opens for the specified Omni-Gen Server runtime protocol (HTTP or HTTPS).

    Verify the Omni-Gen Server Port Numbers https
    Enter the Omni-Gen Server ports
    Controller Port (Default: 9500):
    Server Port (Default: 9514):
    Deployment Tool Server HTTPS Port  (Default: 9502):
  25. Accept the default values, but change them if your system administrator informs you of a conflict and recommends changes to alternate available ports.
  26. Press Enter to continue.

    The Verify the Omni-Gen Governance Console’s Tomcat Parameters pane opens.

    Verify the Omni-Gen Governance Console’s Tomcat Parameters
    Enter the Omni-Gen Governance Console Tomcat information
    Hostname (Default: hostname):
    HTTP Port (Default: 9501):
    HTTPS Port (Default: 9526):
    Ajp Port (Default: 9525):
    Shutdown Port (Default: 9524):
    Admin User (Default: admin):
    Admin Password (Default: admin):

    The Hostname parameter defaults to the machine on which you are currently installing Omni-Gen.

  27. Accept the default values, and then press Enter to continue.

    The Configure OGC Email Server pane opens.

    Configure OGC Email Server
    OGC’s Remediation Service provides optional E-Mail notification of
    Ticket and Case Reassignments. To enable this service, your
    installation’s SMTP Server must be configured to transmit these E-Mails.
    If you are not using this optional feature, leave these dialog boxes empty, and simply Click Next.
    Enter SMTP Parameters for OGC E-Mails
    SMTP Host : smtphostname
    SMTP Port : 25
    Email Notification From : email@address
    SMTP Username :
    SMTP Password :
    SMTP SSL Enabled (true of false) :
  28. Unless you are adding the email option, leave the parameter values blank, press Enter, and proceed to the Preserve or Create New WSO2 Repository pane in the installer (skip to Step 30).
  29. To enable the email option, provide values for the following parameters as they apply to your SMTP, email server:
    • SMTP Host. Host name of your SMTP server (for example,
    • SMTP Port. SMTP port on that server (usually port 25).
    • Email Notification From. Email address from which the Assignment emails will originate (for example,
    • SMTP Username. User name for accessing the email server.
    • SMTP Password. Password associated with the user name for accessing the email server.
    • SMTP SSL Enabled (true or false). Specify true if your email server supports or requires SSL authentication.

    In addition, each user who will receive email notifications must have a valid email address in their WSO2 user profile.

    • Each LDAP user with the Data Steward or Data Supervisor role, and who will receive Assignment emails, must have a valid email address in their Active Directory profile. When it makes the LDAP connection, WSO2 will bring back those email addresses to its Local User Store profile of the user.
    • Each hardcoded user in the WSO2 Primary domain must have an email in their WSO2 user profile.

    Following the Configure OGC Email Server dialog box, the Preserve or Create New WSO2 Repository pane opens.

    Preserve or Create New WSO2 Repository
    Omni-Gen and the Omni-Gen Governance Console use a WSO2 Identity Server
    (WSO2_IS) to provide User Authentication and Data Access Authorization
    Answer Yes below to install a new, empty, WSO2 server and Repository
    of Roles, Permissions etc. 
    Answer No  - if this is an upgrade from an existing , older version of 
    Omni-Gen, and you wish to preserve and utilize the existing WSO2 
    profiles and permissions.
    Do you want to install a new (empty repository) WSO2 Identity Server?
      ->1- Yes
        2- No
  30. For new Omni-Gen installations, ensure that Yes is selected (option 1), and then press Enter to continue.

    The Verify the WSO2 parameters pane opens.

    Verify the WSO2 parameters
    Verify the WSO2 connection parameters
    WSO2 Host (Default: hostname):
    WSO2 Port (Default: 9503):
  31. Confirm the WSO2 parameters, and then press Enter to continue.

    The Enter WSO2 Certificate Parameters pane opens.

    Enter WSO2 Certificate Parameters
    This installer uses java keytool to generate and store a security
    certificate in  a WSO2 keystore.  The certificate is used to
    provide security between OGC and the WSO2 Identity Server.
    The parameters below are used in the creation of a “Self Generated”
    Certificate. The certificate can be replaced with a certificate 
    from a commercial Certificate issuing Agency.
    Leave the value for address of your host, as it has been garnered from
    information already supplied earlier in this Installer Q&A session.
    Supply values for the remaining 5 questions.
    Enter the parameters required by the Java keytool
    What is the address of your host? (Default: hostname):
    What is the name of your organizational unit? : corp
    What is the name of your organization? : ibi
    What is the name of your city or locality? : ny
    What is the name of your state or province? : ny
    What is the two-letter country code for this unit? : us
  32. Collect the parameters to generate the certificate for WSO2.

    The parameters are used to build a unique certificate to secure the Omni-Gen Governance Console to the WSO2 communication.

    Ensure that the address of your host is correct (not localhost), and then type values for the other parameters.

  33. Press Enter to continue.

    The Verify or change JVM Memory Settings pane opens.

    Verify or change JVM Memory Settings
    It may become necessary to allocate more memory to the Tomcat Servers in
    Omni-Gen.  Leave these values as the defaults displayed, unless your
    system administrator and Omni-Gen Installation support analysts
    specify different values.
    Verify and or edit the JVM Memory Settings
    Controller Max Memory (Default: 1024M):
    OmniServer Max Memory (Default: 2048M): 4G
    Command Line Max Memory (Default: 1024M):
    DQ Cleansing Max Memory (Default: 1024M):
    DQ Matching Max Memory (Default: 1024M): 2G
    DQ Merging Max Memory (Default: 1024M):
    DQ Remediation Max Memory (Default: 1024M): 2G
  34. Change the values only if you are instructed by Customer Support, otherwise, press Enter to continue.

    The Pre-Installation Summary pane opens.

    Pre-Installation Summary
    Please Review the Following Before Continuing:
    Product Name:
    Install Folder:
    Link Folder:
    Product Version
    Install Path
    Java Home
    Disk Space Information (for Installation Target):
        Required:    1,718,158,500 Bytes
        Available: 185,251,954,688 Bytes
  35. Review all of the settings in the Pre-Installation Summary pane, and then press Enter to continue.

    The Ready To Install pane opens.

    Ready To Install
    InstallAnywhere is now ready to install Omni-Gen version 3.16.117 onto your system at the following location:
    The installation may take a few minutes depending on the system.
  36. Press Enter to begin the installation.

    Progress of the installation is shown.

    Please Wait
    Executing Installation Script...

    The Omni-Gen installation is complete when the Installation Complete pane displays.

    Installation Complete
    Congratulations. Omni-Gen has been successfully installed to:
    The install script finished with return code 0
  37. Press Enter to exit (close) the installer.

    You are returned to the command prompt.

  38. Navigate to the omnigen home directory that is created.

    For example:

  39. Navigate to the omniserver home directory that is created.

    For example:

  40. Open a terminal window and type the following command:
    ./ start-controller
  41. Press Enter.

    Note: When the installation has completed, a BUILD Successful message appears, but the startup process continues for a few minutes. You must wait for this process to complete.