Configuring the Environment

The following SSL certificates setup occurs when using the synchronization functionality of your environment (for example, IntellijIdea, Eclipse, and so on) with the OGS deployed on a secured gateway (HTTPS).

Note: Perform the following steps only if you are running it in your IDE.

  1. Add the new VM argument to your running configuration:[path_to_certificates]\ibi-certs -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2


    Is the name of the key storage.
  2. Open Run\Debug Configurations and append the new arguments to the Command line field, as shown in the following image.
  3. Copy the required certificate from the OGS location to your computer. For example:
  4. Copy the following files:
    • ibi-certs
    • omnigenstore
    • omnigenstore.pem

      Note: The certificate can change from time to time. If this happens, you will have to update them.

  5. Install JDK 1.7 with an update numbered 99 or higher, otherwise requests will fail even with the correct certificates.
  6. After installation is complete, click File, select ProjectStructure, and then link Project SDK to the proper location, as shown in the following image.