Load Subject Instance


Use the following REST call to initiate the load and mastering process for a subject in Omni-Gen. Omni-Gen will take the subject information in the form of an OID XML and will perform requested cleansing, matching, and merging of the subject.

Omni-Gen can process fully qualified or partial OID XML documents. The required SourceName and SourceInstanceId elements are used by Omni-Gen to determine whether a subject is new or an update to a previous instance. Omni-Gen will construct the best possible subject document by intelligently combining the current subject instance with previous instance data. This intelligent combination may be configured at the document, source, subject, or source/subject levels.

PUT: /server/api/v1/server/instance?mode=&timeout=


The data must be a correctly formatted OID XML, which minimally requires a SourceName and SourceInstanceId. The OID may be fully qualified or partially qualified.

  • mode – Specify the loading mode of sync or async. The default is async, as sync will block the caller until the data is fully processed or a timeout occurs.
  • timeout – When mode=sync, the caller will be blocked until the document is fully processed or until this timeout is exceeded.


PUT https://localhost:9514/server/api/v1/server/instance

Content-Type: application/xml

       <cu_full_name>MR SCOTT W BISHOPP PHD</cu_full_name>
       <cu_dob format="yyyy-MM-dd">1965-02-21</cu_dob>
         <customercust_address version="">
           <ad_1>4212 S LIVONIA RD</ad_1>
           <ad_2>ATTN: SCOTT BISHOPP</ad_2>

- response -

200 OK
Server:  Apache-Coyote/1.1
X-Application-Context:  application:9500
Content-Type:  application/xml;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length:  202
Date:  Tue, 08 May 2018 15:34:06 GMT
  Submitted request for customer:ReadTest:ReadTestCustomer