Configuring Enhanced Security

This section provides an example that describes how to configure enhanced security using the Administration console.

After deploying a deployment bundle that was created using Omni Designer, log in to the Omni Governance Console (OGC) and click the Administration tab on the OGC menu bar. The Administration console opens. Click the Tables tab, which is used to configure metadata (MData) views in an MData.xml file.

The MData is used to describe the OGC home page of a typical Subject master. From the Administration console, you can access the existing MData by clicking Table, selecting SupplierMaster, Edit Table, and then clicking Grid Result View. In this example, the following columns are included by default:

The following is a list of users who have WSO2 roles of Internal/domain.SupplierMaster and Internal/domain.Supplier, which provides them access to the Supplier domain:

Upon logging in to the Omni Governance Console (OGC), the following screen is displayed, which shows the seven columns defined when enhanced security is disabled.