Exporting Certificates

To export certificates:

  1. Navigate to the \sso subfolder. For example:
  2. Type the following:
    keytool –exportcert –keystore wso2carbon.jks -storepass wso2carbon 
    –alias wso2sign –file wso2sign.crt –rfc

    This will generate a certificate in RFC style for signature processing in the \omnigen\OmniGenData\sso directory named wso2sign.crt.

  3. From the \sso subfolder, type the following:
    keytool –exportcert –keystore wso2carbon.jks -storepass wso2carbon 
    –alias wso2encr –file wso2encr.crt –rfc

    This will generate a certificate in RFC style for encryption processing in the \omnigen\OmniGenData\sso directory named wso2encr.crt.