Generating Certificates

To generate certificates:

  1. Verify that the keytool command is in your path.
  2. Use the keytool command to generate a new signature processing certificate.
  3. Navigate to the \sso subfolder. For example:
  4. Type the following:
    keytool –genkey –alias wso2sign –keyalg RSA –keysize 2048 –keypass wso2carbon -storepass wso2carbon -validity 3650 -keystore wso2carbon.jks
  5. Respond to the questions prompted by the keytool command using your site details, as shown in the following example:
  6. Reply to the question What is your first and last name? with your Omni Governance Console (OGC) server’s host name (for example,
  7. Use the keytool command to generate a new encryption certificate.
  8. From the \sso subfolder, type the following:
    keytool –genkey –alias wso2encr –keyalg RSA –keysize 2048 –keypass wso2carbon -storepass wso2carbon -validity 3650 -keystore wso2carbon.jks
  9. Reply to the question What is your first and last name? with your Omni Governance Console (OGC) server’s host name (for example,
  10. Type the keytool -list command, as shown in the following example:
  11. Verify that the certificates are stored in the proper keystore (under \omnigen\omnigendata\sso).