Configuring 360 Viewer

To configure the order of domains in the Domain drop-down list, click the Table Order tab and then click Master Table Order. You can change the order of the Domains by dragging the domain boxes and then clicking Update.

For configuring table columns (Home, Search pages) edit the particular table and include or exclude the necessary columns in the Grid Result View. Each domain has its own set of columns that configures to the appropriate Master tables (Patient Master, Provider Master, Worker Master, and so on), as shown in the following image.

To configure columns for record details, edit the appropriate table and include or exclude the necessary columns in the Quick Details View.

To configure subdomain links for advanced search panels, include or exclude the necessary links in the Advanced Search View tab for the corresponding domain table.

To configure fields in the Frequent Search View, include or exclude the necessary columns, as shown in the following image.

To configure all Advanced Search sections (except Frequent section) and their attributes, include or exclude the necessary columns in the Advanced Search View, as shown in the following image.

To configure subdomains for Details 360 and Master Comparison pages, edit the Master table and include or exclude the necessary links in the Full Info View tab, as shown in the following image.

In the Full Info View tab, you can configure sections and their attributes for Domain or Subdomain (for example, Details 360, Master Comparison, and Compare Source pages) by including or excluding the necessary columns, as shown in the following image.

To configure the Record Properties section attributes, include or exclude the necessary columns in the Record Properties View, as shown in the following image.

To configure the size, alignment of columns, and the columns to be sorted and filtered, click the pencil icon (Edit) in Grid Result View, as shown in the following image.

To select the default state of the Home Page, click the Settings tab, select the Load records by default setting from the list, and then edit the parameters accordingly.

If you wish to display the grid on the page by default, select ON in Value field and then click Update. Otherwise, select OFF.

To configure the Copy button in Popup windows, click the showPopupWithCopyButton setting in the Settings tab and edit it accordingly.

If you wish to display the Copy button, select ON in Value field and then click Update. Otherwise, select OFF.

To configure the Master comparison and Details 360 display screens, click the Settings tab, then click the showActionIcons link from the list and edit it accordingly.

To display the Master comparison and Details 360 as icons, set the Value parameter to ON, and then click Update. Otherwise, to display them as links, set the Value parameter to OFF and then click Update.

To configure the display of information tabs, click the Tables tab, select the required table from the list, and edit it accordingly.

To display the table as an Information tab, set the Info Tab Indicator parameter to ON. Otherwise, to display the table as an ordinary sub-domain, set the Info Tab Indicator to OFF.

You can configure the default display of sections on the Master Comparison page. All sections on Master Comparison page can be collapsed or expanded by default. It can be configured using the setting IsDataExpandedByDefault, as shown in the following image.

If you want all sections to be expanded by default, set the Value parameter to ON. Otherwise, set the Value to OFF to collapse all sections by default.