

Options can be added for a table, source, or view. Each of these elements can store a custom value for the option. Currently, options are used to:

Option List

The list of all options is displayed on the Option List page, as shown in the following image.

Show Option

When administrators select any option from the list, the Show Option page is displayed. This page contains the following information about the selected option:

  • Option title
  • Option name
  • Option description
  • Option type
  • Option default type
  • Type of component
  • Name of view (if required)

Creating a New Option

Administrators can create a new option on the New Option page by clicking the corresponding button on the Option List page, as shown in the following image.

Editing an Option

The Edit Option page enables administrators to modify an option. Administrators can navigate to that page from the Show Option page by clicking the Edit Option button, as shown in the following image.

Note that the Name and Type fields cannot be modified.