
Omni-Gen™ Integration Edition enables the creation and maintenance of a business domain. A data model, reflecting the business requirements of a customer, is deployed into Omni-Gen. This data model is made up of subjects, each of which is represented as a hierarchical structure consisting of a root instance logically linked to any number of descendants (for example, children, grandchildren, and so on).

The data model is packaged as a .zip file and formatted as an Omni bundle. For Omni products targeted for specific industry verticals, such as Omni-HealthData™, the data model is pre-packaged as a bundle with the product. Otherwise, the data model is designed, and the bundle is generated, on site. Deploying an Omni bundle associates the Omni-Gen system with a particular data model and initializes the Omni-Gen database.

Each subject in the Omni data model is described by an Interface Document Specification (IDS) which reflects its hierarchical structure as a hierarchy of documents: the top-level subject document and child collection documents. For each document, parent or child, there is a corresponding set of tables in the Omni database named og_nameOfSubjectOrCollection categorized as follows:

Identified by the _r suffix, the ramp table is the primary entry point for data coming into Omni-Gen.

Identified by the _s suffix, the source table holds the pre-cleansed version of a record in the source system. The source table is not used for transactional subjects.

Note: In Omni-Gen Integration Edition, all subjects are transactional and the source tables are not used.

The instance table holds the latest version of a record in the source system. The instance table is not marked with a suffix.

For example, the Facility subject is composed of a Facility parent and an Address child, which are represented by the og_facility_r and og_facility_address_r ramp tables, respectively.

There are two facilities available for loading data into Omni-Gen:

Typically, the data being loaded into an Omni-Gen system originates from source systems, which are formatted differently from the target model. As a result, a conversion step is required to bring this data to an Omni-Gen system.