Manual Cleansing Page


The Administration panel is available for users with roles from the System Administrator.

Workspace Panel


In order to configure the Workspace panel, the administrator should navigate to the Tables tab and select an Instance table (for example, Provider, Worker).

The Provider, Worker table consists of many views. Select Full Info View, as shown in the following image.

To rearrange the columns in the view, drag the required column from the Excluded section to the Included section in order to include a column in the view, or click the Delete (X) icon if you want to exclude some column from the view (1).

If you want columns to be separated in Groups, the Administrator has to add the appropriate group to the Included section (2).

Ability to Allow/Prohibit Editing for Fields

To configure the ability to edit the fields in the workspace panel, the administrator should edit the nested columns (for example, display name, sortable, filterable, and so on). This can be done by clicking the Edit Column button for the appropriate columns in the Full Info View of the appropriate table and updating corresponding option, as shown in the following image.

If some field needs to be disabled for editing, the administrator should select the Off option. If the field can be edited, the On option should be selected.

Case Properties Panel

In the Manual Cleansing page, the Case Properties panel can be configured. The Administrator should select the WF Cases table in the list of tables. Then, the Case Properties view needs to be configured.

Note: Configuration of this view affects all Remediation case pages (Override Matching, Manual Cleansing, and General Issue).

To rearrange the columns in the view, drag the required column from the Excluded section to the Included section in order to include the column in the view, or click the Delete (X) icon if you want to exclude a column from the view (1).

If you want columns to be separated in Groupies Administrator has to add the appropriate group to the Included section (2).

Note: For this view, names of groups will not be displayed. Instead of names, a horizontal line will appear.