

Settings are global variables for configuration per whole application. For now, settings are used to configure the following items:

For example, administrators can change the default date format value to dd MM yyyy, and all date fields will be represented in this format.

Setting List

The list of all settings is displayed on the Setting List page, as shown in the following image.

Show Setting

Administrators can navigate to the Show Setting page by selecting the corresponding setting from the list. The Show Setting page provides the following information about the selected setting:

  • Setting name
  • Setting title
  • Setting description
  • Setting type
  • Setting value

Creating a New Setting

Administrators can create new setting on the New Setting page by clicking the corresponding button on the Show Setting page, as shown in the following image.

Editing a Setting

The Edit Setting page enables administrators to change the properties of a setting. Administrators can navigate to that page by clicking the corresponding button on the Show Setting page, as shown in the following image.

Note that the Name field and Type field cannot be edited.