

Sources contain information about services that provide data and its metadata (data structure).

Source List

A list of all sources is displayed on the Source List page. On this page, it is also possible to validate source and view source updating history.

Source Validation

Administrators can validate a source by clicking the Validate link. Validation is necessary to check the source remote changes. It covers the cases when an additional column was added to a specific table on a remote source, removed from it, or its properties changed (type, canFilter, canEdit). After validation, all changes will be synchronized.

After clicking the Apply Changes button, the source will be updated, as shown in the following image.

Source History

Administrators can access the Source Update History page from the Source List page by clicking the History link. This page contains all update events after a source validation, as shown in the following image.

Show Source

To view detailed information about a source, administrators should click the name of the source on the Source List page. The Show Source page contains the following information:

  • Source name
  • Uri
  • Tables the source contains
  • Source configuration

Editing a Source

The Edit Source page enables administrators to change source properties. However, some fields such as Uri and Tables cannot be edited. To navigate to this page, administrators should select the source that needs to be changed from the list and then click the Edit Source button.

Deleting a Source

Administrators can delete an item by clicking the Delete button, which is available on the Show Source page, as shown in the following image.