Viewing Remediation Rules Properties


This section describes the Remediation Rules properties.

Viewing State Machine Properties

When you select any State Machine, all information for it is displayed in the Properties View.

The Properties of the State Machine contains the General tab, as shown in the following image.

Viewing State Properties

When you select any State in the State Machine graph, all information for this state type is displayed when you view the Properties tab.

The State Properties contains the following tabs:

  • General. The General tab is identical and standard for all entities. For more information, see Viewing General Properties.
  • Type. In the Type tab, the State Type drop-down list allows you to modify the State type, and contains the following state types:
    • Start
    • Regular
    • Final

If there are several states with the Start type, then each invalid state will be highlighted with a red indicator.

Viewing Transition Properties

When you select any transition in the State Machine graph, all information for the transition is displayed in the Properties.

The Transition Properties contains the following tabs:

  • General. The General tab is identical and standard for all entities. However, the Name field is disabled. The value displayed in the Name field is pre-populated from the Event field entered in the Option tab, as shown in the following image.

    For more information, see Viewing General Properties.

  • Options. The Options tab contains the Event field and the Type drop-down list with the following options:
    • None
    • Internal
    • External

    The following image shows the Options tab.

  • Condition. The Condition tab consists of the text editor, as shown in the following image.

Viewing Action Properties

When you select any action in the State action section, all information for this action is displayed in the Properties.

The Action Properties contain the following tabs:

  • General. The General tab is identical and standard for all entities. For more information, see Viewing General Properties.
  • Options. The Options tab contains the Icon drop-down list of all available icons, which can be selected for any action, as shown in the following image.

Viewing Linked Remote Project Action Properties

When you select any Linked Remote Project action from the Project Explorer or the State action section, all information for it is displayed in the Properties.

  • General. The General tab is identical and standard for all entities. The Name, Long Description, and Short Description are copied from the original Action but you can change it after linking. For more information, see Viewing General Properties.
  • Options. The Options tab contains the Icon drop-down list of all available icons, which can be selected for any action.
  • Original. The Original tab contains the following information:
    • Name
    • Long Description
    • Short Description
    • Icon

    All those fields are disabled and cannot be edited, as shown in the following image.

  • Source. The Source tab contains information regarding the original project where the Action was taken from. For example, Project name, Project ID, Branch, and Version. All those fields are disabled and cannot be edited.