Create a Source System


Use the following REST call to create a new source system.

POST: /api/v1/sourcesystem/create


Parameters (body): Source Entity

Content type: application/json

Do not send include the ID in the source entity when creating a new source system. A unique ID will be generated.


POST https://localhost:9500/api/v1/sourcesystem/create

Content-Type: application/json

  "description": "Sellers of fine products since 1974",
  "internalIndicator": false,
  "name": "Acme",
  "owningBusinessUnitName": "Amalgamated Industries",
  "sensitivity": "insensitive",
  "thirdPartyIntegratorName": "Super Integration Services",
  "virtualIndicator": false	

-- response --

  "status": "CREATED",
  "code": 0,
  "message": null,
  "developerMessage": null,
  "responseType": "",
  "response": {
    "id": "4e5b765f-b807-483b-8c56-1fcc683b0b98",
    "name": "Acme",
    "description": "Sellers of fine products since 1974",
    "owningBusinessUnitId": null,
    "owningBusinessUnitName": "Amalgamated Industries",
    "thirdPartyIntegratorId": null,
    "thirdPartyIntegratorName": "Super Integration Services",
    "internalIndicator": false,
    "virtualIndicator": false,
    "sensitivity": "insensitive"
  "exception": null