Using Debug Nodes

The process flow designer provides Debug objects that can be inserted into a process flow. Debug objects wrap the QA Service (com.ibi.agents.XDQAAgent), which displays the contents of registers and the current document, along with useful information about the document (for example, number of siblings, error mode, and so on).

Debug nodes are active in process flow tests from iIT if the process flow itself is running in debug mode. This mode is set as a property of the process flow itself. If the flow is not running in debug mode, then the nodes are ignored.

Normally, a process flow running in an actual channel has the debug nodes disabled. The following command controls the use of the debug nodes in a channel:

set pflowdebug on | off [-m <channelname>]

The command can activate the debug nodes for the entire iSM or for a single channel.

For more information on using the pflowdebug command, see the iWay Service Manager Command Reference Guide.

For more information on using the QA Service (com.ibi.agents.XDQAAgent), see the iWay Service Manager Component Reference Guide.