Splitter Preparsers


Splitting is performed by preparsers. A splitting preparser must be the first user-configured preparser. Splitting preparsers are provided for XML, non-XML, and EDI messages.


Class name: EDISplitPP

Splits EDI documents on ST segments. Each split subdocument is passed to a transform for conversion to XML.


Class name: XDFlatStreamPreParser

Splits non-XML messages that are to be split on a recognized character. The configuration specifies the split character - default is the end of line for the platform. The character can be specified as any character, a special character, or a hex character.




Any character


New line


Carriage return




Ab are hex characters such as 0A.

A standard use of this preparser is to handle individual lines of a large, delimited file.


Class name: XDXMLStreamPreParser

The incoming XML document is divided into smaller documents, broken at a specified repeating child. For example:


With a split specified as a/b, it results in three passes through the configured flow.

Pass 1


Pass 2


Pass 3

No data.

getStreamState() is STREAM_EOS and special register eos is defined as 1.


Class name: XDDelValStream

Operates in the same manner as the delimited values preparser DelVal. One or more rows of delimited values are emitted as a tree, until the input is exhausted.

Example: Input file


Setting for one row per pass with a root of tree yields:

Pass 1


Pass 2


Pass 3

No data.

getStreamState() is STREAM_EOS and special register eos is defined as 1.