Writing Rule Search Routines in Java

Short lists can be searched by built-in rule engine code. Longer lists, in which the values in the list are obtained not from the attribute directly, but instead from an external source, requires a rule list searcher tailored to the source. Lists might be obtained from a:

Each list might need its own search logic, tailored to the source and format of the list itself. To accommodate this, the rule engine allows list-specific search routines to be developed and added to the system. These routines are loaded at system initialization, and terminated at system closedown. Each must offer a search method that determines whether the passed value is valid.

Search routines must extend the XDRuleList class, which is part of the edaqm package: com.ibi.edaqm.XDRuleClass. The routine must offer three methods in the manner common to all XD extensions:

The Rule List search code is identified in the <preload> section of the <system> area of the dictionary. The Preloads console page manages this section.

The following preload

   <name file="RuleFileList(c:\ziplist.txt)"
         comment="validates zip codes">ziplist

specifies that a rule can be written, such as:

<rule tag="xxx" code="@ziplist" method="checklist"/>

The ziplist routine might load a list from a text file.

A simplified example procedure to load a file containing codes is shown below:

import com.ibi.edaqm.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
 * A rule list handler is a routine called to enable users search lists during
 * execution or the checkList rule. checkList() is a generally available rule to
 * test whether the contents of a document field are valid. The rule list handler is
 * invoked when the code= attribute indicates the name of a coder routine rather
 * than a simple list.
 * For example, <I>code="@list1"</I> will cause the search routine of the list1
 * class to be invoked.
 * The file read by this procedure consists of tokens separated by a new line, white
 * space or commas.
public class XDRuleListFile extends XDRuleList
     String[] list;
     ArrayList al = new ArrayList(127);
     public XDRuleListFile()
      * The init method is called when a rule is loaded. It can perform any
      * necessary initialization, and can store any persistent information in the
      * object store.
      * @param parms Array of parameter string passed within the start command
      * init-name(parms).
     public void init(String[] parms) throws XDException
         if (parms == null)
             throw new XDException(XD.XDException.RULE, XDException.RULE_SYNTAX,
                    "no parms sent to " + name);
             File f = new File(parms[0]);
             FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(f);
             long len = f.length();
             byte[] b = new byte[(int)len];
             String data = new String(b);
             StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(data, ", " +XD.NEWLINE);
             while (st.hasMoreTokens())
                 String part = st.nextToken();
         catch (FileNotFoundException e)
             throw new XDException(XDException.RULE, XDException.RULE_SYNTAX,
                    "list file "+parms[0] + " not found");
         catch (IOException eio)
             throw new XDException(XDException.RULE, XDException.RULE_SYNTAX, eio.toString());
      * The term() method is called when the worker is terminated. It is NOT
      * guaranteed to be called, and applications should not rely upon this
      * method to update databases or perform other critical operations.
     public void term()
         * Search the given value to determine whether it is in the list. 
         * @param value String to test against the list
         * @return true if found, false otherwise
        public boolean search(String value)
            return al.contains(value);