
An XDOrgData holds the "original" data that the business agent is processing. This object is of interest only to protocol component writers. There is a built-in XDOrgData object in the worker, and you can load it and reference it as needed. The object handles several types of messages, so that you can store your incoming message in whatever form is most convenient - byte[], String, or tree. Usually, your protocol worker uses only the store() method; the retrieval methods are used by the internal system to operate on the data itself.

XDOrgDate Methods




Returns the stored safe store key.


Adds an arbitrary object to the persistent object store. Use this to preserve information across business agent calls.


Stores a string that can be used as a key to a safe store holding this message. Used only for protocols for which safe store applies.


Stores the data into the object. Can accept a byte[], String, or XDNode tree.