Converting Between JDOM and XD Trees

iWay Service Manager works internally with XD trees, described earlier. Some external services you may want to use require JDOM trees. A utility class is available to convert between the two. To use it, make an instance of XDJDOMUtilities in the com.ibi.edaqm package. The methods exposed are:

public Document converXDtoJDOM(XDNode root)

Converts the tree rooted in the passed node to a JDOM document.

public XDNode convertJDOMtoXD(Document doc)

Converts the JDOM document to an XDNode tree.

This example makes a JDOM, converts it to an XDNode tree, and then goes the other way.

   SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
   Document doc =;   // make a JDOM doc
   XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter();
   FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(fileParsedJDOM);
   outputter.output(doc, out);   // print JDOM doc
   XDJDOMUtilities jdu = new XDJDOMUtilities();
   XDNode   xnode = jdu.convertJDOMtoXD(doc);
   out = new FileOutputStream(fileJDOMToXD);
   out.write(XD.doflat(xnode,true).getBytes());  // print XD tree
   doc = jdu.convertXDtoJDOM(xnode);   // back to JDOM
   out = new FileOutputStream(fileXDToJDOM);
   outputter.output(doc, out);   // print JDOM doc
catch (Exception e)
   logger.debug("Exception received: "+ e); e.printStackTrace();