Configuring an nHTTP Channel

How to:

The nHTTP channel includes an nHTTP listener running on port 2222 and is used to generate event documents for HTTP GET requests. The channel has a route containing the process flow created in the first section. It will contain a default outlet to allow responses on the requested nHTTP listener.

Procedure: How to Configure an nHTTP Channel

To configure an nHTTP channel:

  1. Create an nHTTP Listener by going to the iWay Service Manager Administration Console and navigating to the Listeners section under the Registry. Select HTTP 1.1 [nonblocking] (nhttp), as shown in the following image.
  2. Click Next and provide listener configuration. In this example, listening for events occurs on HTTP port 2222. The configuration is port 2222. Under GET Handling, select Event, leaving all other parameters with the default settings.

    When the listener receives an HTTP GET request, it generates an event document which will be sent to the route.

  3. Click Next and provide a listener name as GetFile.Listener with an optional description. Click Finish.
  4. Create a new inlet which will contain the listener. Under the registry go to inlet section and select New. Provide inlet name as GetFile.Inlet with an optional description. Click Finish.
  5. Add the GetFile.Listener to the GetFile.Inlet.
  6. Create a new route to host the process flow which was created. Under the Registry section, click routes, and click New to create a new route. Provide a name GetFile.Route with an optional description. Click Finish.
  7. Add GetFile.pFlow to the GetFile.Route.
  8. Create a new channel by selecting Channels under the Registry. Provide Channel name as GetFile.Channel with optional description. Click Finish.
  9. Add the GetFile.Inlet, GetFile.Route and a default outlet to the GetFile.Channel. The default outlet will indicate that the response has to be returned back on the HTTP listener's response. Set the GetFile.Route as a default route by clicking the '-' sign under the conditions column. This will indicate that the route is a default one and no condition exists to execute.
  10. Once the channel is configured, click Build to build the channel. Ensure that the channel builds without any errors or warnings.
  11. Now the channel can be deployed under the Deployments section of iSM Console. Click Deploy to deploy a new channel. Under the available channels, select GetFile.Channel and click Deploy.
  12. Now you can start your channel under the channels page by clicking its status or by selecting a channel and clicking Start.