Sender (iWay) Channel Overview


This section describes in detail all the components for the iWay Sender channel. The channel uses a file listener to pick up files from the input directory and then sends them over AS2 protocol to the partner. The partner then responds with the MDN. For details on the configuration parameters, you can import the process flow into iWay Integration Tools (iIT) Designer and view the configuration as it is extensive. This section only provides a short overview of the process.

IWAY.NAS2.Sender Channel

  • IWAY.FILE.InletAS2: Picks up files to be send to partner

    • Input Path = C:\NAS2_Demo\Input

    • Destination = C:\NAS2_Demo\Output

    • Suffix In = as2

  • IWAY.Sender.AS2.Process: Uses NAS2 Emit Service to send file to partner

    • Start

    • Set SREGS: Sets HDR special registers within the namespaces to be used by the NAS2 Emit Service.

    • QA Before Send: Outputs a file to C:\NAS2_Demo\Output\IWAY\QA_before_NAS2_emit_*.txt to view the set Special Registers before the actual Emit via AS2.

    • IWAY.NAS2.EmitService: NAS2 Emit service is configured to send a signed document to http://localhost:5555. It uses the registers within the namespace created by the Set SREGS node.

    • QA After MDN Received: Outputs a file to C:\NAS2_Demo\Output\IWAY\QA_after_MDN_recieved_*.txt showing the Special Registers after the NAS2 Emit has been completed. This will show the new mapping for the namespaces and will show that the original special registers are preserved.

    • End

  • default.outlet