NAS2 Overview


The NAS2 adapter is a non-blocking AS2 with improved performance, connection management, and various other security features.

The NAS2 adapter provides extensive flexibility by exposing an array of parameters that can be configured for security providers, Message Disposition Notification (MDN) handling, Certificate Revocation List (CRL) checking, and so on.


This section describes the features that have been added as part of the improvement to the NAS2 adapter.

  • LDAP Certificate Support. Retrieval of partner certificates from the LDAP system as part of the certificate store configuration to complete the signature chain validation.
  • Signer Certificate Chain. Option to not include the signer certificate when sending an AS2 message or replying with an MDN. This allows you to minimize the message size for enhanced performance.
  • Certificate Revocation List Checking Option. Allows the configuration of NAS2 to validate if the message being processed is signed using a revoked certificate. If the option for CRL checking is selected, it will require a configured certificate store on the NAS2 component which can point either to a list of named keystore providers, directory CertStore providers, and directory Providers (LDAP) where the revoked certificates are located.
  • Key Alias Selection. On the S/MIME and SSL components, new parameters are exposed, which allow you to specify the key alias with the keystore and truststore. This allows you to pick which key to use for various security operations such as signatures, decryptions, and so on.
  • Persistent Connection Support. The NAS2 adapter supports persistent connections, which allows improved connection handling and management.
  • Ordering of Signature and Compression. A feature to allow the selection of compression and signature ordering is available. Now you can configure if the message should be signed and then compressed or compressed then signed.
  • Delayed MDN. The NAS2 adapter also supports the feature which is not typical to the standard AS2 processing, but allows a great degree of flexibility when it comes to MDN processing. When a message is received on the NAS2 listener, you may configure the MDN to be delayed until the business processing of the message is completed. If the Delayed MDN option is selected, it is your responsibility to invoke the corresponding MDN send service as part of the business processing that will send the MDN as requested by the originator of the message.
  • Safe Store for Messages. The Safe Store option on the NAS2 component will safe store the message before performing any further processing to the message. This will prevent any message loss. After the message has been processed, it will be removed from the safe store. In the event that the system goes down, all the messages in the safe store will be processed after the system is back on line.
  • Large File Limit. The NAS2 adapter contains various internal improvements to handle large file sizes. An option exposed on the NAS2 inbound processing that allows you to limit the message size accepted by the NAS2 adapter.