XDTwitterUpdateStatus Service (com.ibi.agents.XDTwitterUpdateStatus)



iIT Service Object:

format: XDTwitterUpdateStatus

Description: Updates the authenticating user current status, also known as Tweeting. The update text is compared with the authenticating user's recent Tweets. Any attempt that would result in duplication will be blocked. A user cannot submit the same status twice in a row.




Tweet/Status *

The text of your tweet/status update.

In Reply To

The ID of an existing status that the update is in reply to. This parameter will be ignored unless the author of the Tweet this parameter references is mentioned within the status text. Therefore, you must include username, where username is the author of the referenced Tweet, within the update.


Sends a Tweet with an image. This version only supports three type image files: jpg, gif, and png.

Consumer Key *

Is your Twitter Application Consumer Key. If you don't have this information, please go to http://dev.twitter.com. Sign in with your Twitter account, Choose My Applications and click Create a New Application then follow the prompts to get Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token, and Access Token Secret.

Consumer Secret *

Is your Twitter Application Consumer Secret. If you don't have this information, please go to http://dev.twitter.com. Sign in with your Twitter account, Choose My Applications and click Create a New Application then follow the prompts to get Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token, and Access Token Secret.

Access Token *

Is your Twitter Application Access Token. If you don't have this information, please go to http://dev.twitter.com. Sign in with your Twitter account, Choose My Applications and click Create a New Application then follow the prompts to get Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token, and Access Token Secret.

Access Token Secret *

Is your Twitter Application Access Token Secret. If you don't have this information, please go to http://dev.twitter.com. Sign in with your Twitter account, Choose My Applications and click Create a New Application then follow the prompts to get Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token, and Access Token Secret.

Enabled *

If on, emit through the proxy server.


The HTTP proxy server host name.


The HTTP proxy server port.


The HTTP proxy server user name.


The HTTP proxy server password.

Connection Timeout

The HTTP connection timeout in milliseconds.

Read Timeout

The HTTP read timeout in milliseconds.

Streaming Read Timeout

The streaming API's HTTP Read timeout in milliseconds.

Retry Count

The number of HTTP retries.

Retry Interval *

The HTTP retry interval in seconds.

Pretty Debug

Prettifies JSON debug output if set to true.

Stream Base URL

The streaming API base URL.

Site Stream Base URL

The Site Streams API base URL.



The latitude of the location this Tweet refers to. This parameter will be ignored unless it is inside the range -90.0 to +90.0 inclusive (north is positive). It will also be ignored if there is no corresponding long parameter.


The longitude of the location this Tweet refers to. The valid ranges for longitude are -180.0 to +180.0 inclusive (east is positive). This parameter will be ignored if outside that range, if it is not a number, if geo_enabled is disabled, or if there no corresponding lat parameter.


Place Id

The ID of the place in the world.


The following table lists the available Line Edges for the XDTwitterUpdateStatus Service (com.ibi.agents.XDTwitterUpdateStatus).

Line Edge



An exception occurred during execution.


The operation was successful.


A fail condition occurred during execution.


Could not connect to Twitter.


Could not parse a document.


Twitter threw an exception.


Could not perform the Twitter operation requested.