SREG FTP: Pass register settings to iWay FTP Server Service (com.ibi.agents.XDNFTPSREGAgent)



iIT Service Object:

format: SREG FTP: Pass register settings to iWay FTP Server

Description: Set registers on the FTP Server.




Host Name *

The DNS name (or IP address) of the FTP server that you want to connect to. Use host:port if not the standard port 21.

Remote Port

The port to connect to on the FTP site. Leave blank to use the default port 21.

User Name *

The valid user ID on the FTP server.

Password *

The valid password for the FTP server.

Account Name

The valid account for the FTP server.

Use Passive Command

Uses PASV command if true, otherwise uses PORT command


The timeout interval for socket in seconds.

Port Restrictions

If set, restricts the PORT/EPRT command to the following range of ports (for example, 1000-9999, 50000-60000, etc.).

Retry Interval

The retry interval in seconds (allows for xxhxxmxxs format) Omit or use 0 for no retry.

Connection Retry

The number of retry attempts after failed connection to FTP server.


Type of variable

The type of variable (headers appear in emitted documents as header values). Use del type to delete the register.


  • status - a status document will be the out document.
  • input - the in document will become the out document.

Proxy Settings

Proxy Type

Select the proxy protocol to use.

Proxy Host Name

The DNS name (or IP address) of the proxy server that you want to connect to.

Proxy Port

The port to connect to on the proxy site.

Proxy User ID

The user ID on the proxy server.


The proxy user's password on the proxy server.

SSL Parameters


If set, the connection is secured via Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

Security Protocol

Security protocol.

  • SSL - Supports some version of SSL. May support other versions.
  • SSLv2 - Supports SSL version 2 or higher.
  • SSLv3 - Supports SSL version 3. May support other versions.
  • TLS - Supports some version of TLS. May support other versions.
  • TLSv1 - Supports TLS version 1. May support other versions.

The field is not needed if Keystore is a SSL Provider.

Secure Data Connection

Use a secure data connection, that is, transfer data securely. Used in conjunction with Secure Control Connection.

Use 128-bit Encryption

Enforces the use of 128-bit encryption.

SSL Security *

FTP Server connection type.

  • unknown - Defaults to Explicit Security then fails over to Implicit Security.
  • explicit - In order to establish the SSL link, explicit security requires that the FTP client issue a specific command to the FTP server after establishing a connection. The default FTP server port is used.
  • implicit - Implicit security automatically begins with an SSL connection as soon as the FTP client connects to an FTP server. In implicit security, the FTP server defines a specific port for the client (typically 990) to be used for secure connections.

Keystore File or Security Provider

The full path to the Keystore file, which provides certificate material to be used for SSL connection, the name of the Security Provider, or leave blank to use the configured default Security Provider.

Keystore Password

The password to access Keystore file. Not needed if Keystore File or Security Provider is the name of a Security Provider.

Keystore Type

The type of the Keystore. Not needed if the Keystore File or Security Provider is the name of a Security Provider.


The following table lists the available Line Edges for the SREG FTP: Pass register settings to iWay FTP Server Service (com.ibi.agents.XDNFTPSREGAgent).

Line Edge



An exception occurred during execution.


The operation was successful.


A fail condition occurred during execution.


Could not parse a document.


Could not connect to the external system.


Could not perform the operation requested .


Could not operate dues to a security violation..