SMIME Packer Agent Service (com.ibi.agents.XDSMIMEPackerAgent)



iIT Service Object:

format: SMIME Packer Agent

Description: Packages input as S/MIME using configured settings.




Message ID

Set this to control the emitted message ID. Usually this is left blank to let the system generate a unique id meeting the requirements of RFC 822. Use this only to override the default. This is not recommended.

Content-Type *

Specifies the content-type of the data to be sent.

Content Disposition

The file name to put in the Content-Disposition header value.


Packaging *

Tells the emitter how the document should be packaged for transmission.


Determines when or if the S/MIME packager should compress the message.

S/MIME Keystore Provider

The provider for the keystore used to sign and encrypt messages.

S/MIME Digest JCE Provider

The JCE Provider for S/MIME Digest Cryptography services. Defaults to the S/MIME Signature JCE Provider.

S/MIME Signature JCE Provider *

The JCE Provider for S/MIME Signature Cryptography services.

Recipient Public Key Alias

The alias for the recipient public key entry used for encryption.

Signature Key Alias

The alias for the private key entry used for signing.

Signature Key Password

The password to access the signature private key. If left blank, the password used to access Keystore will be used.

Digest Algorithm

The algorithm to be used for signing.

Encryption Algorithm

The algorithm to be used for encrypting.

Include Certificate Chain

Determines how much of the signer certificate chain is included in the message.

Enforce KeyUsage Extension

Determines how the KeyUsage Extension is verified when present in the certificate. The requirement for S/MIME digital signatures is followed by the requirement for S/MIME encryption, separated by a slash.

Header Management

Payload Header Namespace

The special register namespace from which additional MIME headers for the payload are taken. If not supplied, no MIME headers are added beyond the content headers generated by the packaging process.

Message Header Namespace

The Message Header Namespace.


The following table lists the available Line Edges for the SMIME Packer Agent Service (com.ibi.agents.XDSMIMEPackerAgent).

Line Edge



An exception occurred during execution.


The operation was successful.


A fail condition occurred during execution.


Could not parse a document.


Problem processing S/MIME message.