PGP Sign Only Service (com.ibi.agents.XDPGPSignAgent)



iIT Service Object:

format: PGP Sign Only

Description: Signs a PGP message, this agent is deprecated in favor of PGPEncrypt.




Armor *

Determines whether the binary message will be armored for transfer in ASCII.

Signature Hash Algorithm

An algorithm to use for the signature digest.

Secret Key Ring

The location of the secret key ring containing the signature key.

Signature Key User ID

The User ID of the private key used for signing. The format can be =name for the exact User ID, user@host to match only the email address, or <user@host> optionally surrounded by ignored comments to match only the value within angle brackets against the email address. This property also determines which User ID(s) will be listed in Signer's User ID subpackets.

Signature Key ID

The Key ID of the private key used for signing. The format can be 8 hex digits for the short key ID, 16 hex digits for the long key ID, or 40 hex digits for the fingerprint. Spaces are allowed and are not counted in the length. This property can be used in place or together with the Signature Key User ID to select a more specific key.

Signature Key Passphrase

A case-sensitive passphrase to unlock the Signature Private Key.

Signature Expiration

The number of seconds after the signature creation time that the signature expires. The format is [xxh][xxm]xx[s]. If absent or has a value of zero, the signature never expires.


The following table lists the available Line Edge for the PGP Sign Only Service (com.ibi.agents.XDPGPSignAgent).

Line Edge



An exception occurred during execution.


The operation was successful.


A fail condition occurred during execution.


Could not parse a document.


Could not operate due to a security violation.