Parallel Execution: XML iteration Service (com.ibi.agents.XDParallelXMLSplitAgent)



iIT Service Object:

format: Parallel Execution: XML iteration

Description: Executes a sub-flow in parallel for each item returned by the embedded XDIterXMLSplit iterator.




Name of the PFLOW *

The PFLOW to run.

Maximum Parallel Tasks *

The maximum number of tasks processed simultaneously. If an additional task must be performed, it will wait for a previous task to complete. 0 means unbounded.

Timeout *

The maximum time to wait for all tasks to complete, in seconds. 0 means unbounded.

Accumulation Version *

Determins which version of accumulation is desired. Simple uses less memory, but handles only a single result from the subflow.

Snip levels *

The number of top-down levels to be snipped from generated documents.

Expression *

Describes the XPath location of the element on which to split. When Evaluate Expression is not set, enter an XPath expression directly. When Evaluate Expression is set, enter an expression that returns an XPath expression.

Evaluate Expression

When not set, the Expression parameter contains an XPath expression directly. When set, the Expression parameter is evaluated, and the returned value is the XPath expression used for splitting.

XML Namespace Map Provider

If the XPath expression depends on namespaces, supply the name of an XML Namespace Map Provider that contains the required namespace prefixes and URLs.

Cross Section *

If set, the iterated portion is included with the remainder of the non-iterated portion of the document. Otherwise only the parental path is included.

XPath Syntax

Determines which syntax level of XPath should be used. The default option selects the syntax level as set in the console global settings.


The following table lists the available Line Edges for the Parallel Execution: XML iteration Service (com.ibi.agents.XDParallelXMLSplitAgent).

Line Edge



An exception occurred during execution.


The operation was successful.


A fail condition occurred during execution.


The service has responded to a cancellation request.


Could not parse a document.


The resource was not found and this is considered an error.


The operation timed out.


Could not perform the operation requested.


An operation failed before all the tasks could be completed.