NTCP Emit Agent Service (com.ibi.agents.XDNTCPEmitAgent)



iIT Service Object:

format: NTCP Emit Agent

Description: Emits over TCP using connections from the NTCP Connection Provider.




Host *

The remote host to which TCP requests will be sent.

Port *

The TCP port on the host to which TCP requests will be sent.

Cache Socket Locally *

If true, cache the socket locally for reuse by other agents in the same process flow. This option is not allowed with the Message ends at EOS Message Protocol.

Return Document

The type of output from this service. If response, the service will wait up to the Response Timeout for a response from the server and will output this response as a bytes-type document. If status, the service will output a standard status document immediately after emitting to the server and will not attempt to retrieve any response.

Response Timeout

The maximum time, in milliseconds, to block while waiting for a response from the server. 0 means no timeout. A negative value will use the system default.

TCP Connection Provider *

The name of the TCP Connection Provider to use for the message emit.

Persist Connections?

If true, use a connection from the TCP Connection Provider's pool and return the connection to the pool after emit. If false, a new connection will be created for this emit and closed after emit is complete. Use of persistent connections is not allowed with the Message ends at EOS Message Protocol.

Message Protocol *

Choose one of the built-in options or use a custom handler. For the Message ends at EOS option, you must set Persistent Connections? to false and you must not use an SSL connection. To use a custom handler, supply the fully qualified name of a class that implements com.ibi.edaqm.IClientProtocolHelper and ensure that the class is on iSM's runtime classpath.

Maximum Incoming Size

On receipt of an incoming message larger than the maximum, the message will be ignored and the connection is closed. 0 means no maximum. Empty defaults to 256KB.


The following table lists the available Line Edges for the NTCP Emit Agent Service (com.ibi.agents.XDNTCPEmitAgent).

Line Edge



An exception occurred during execution.


The operation was successful.


A fail condition occurred during execution.


Could not connect to the external system.


Could not parse a document.


Could not perform the operation requested.