JSON Web Token Verify Service (com.ibi.edaqm.XDJWTVerifyTokenAgent)




This service decodes and verifies a JSON Web Token, which is a means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. See the specification in RFC7519.

The token consists of the following three parts:

The service expects a token in compact form, which consists of three parts encoded in Base64url encoding separated with periods (.).


The following tables describe the JSON Web Token Verify Service parameters.





Token to validate.

Output Document

Output Document can be the input document, the payload parsed as JSON, or the flat payload.

Required Issuer

When present, the issuer that must appear in the iss claim, otherwise the token validation fails

When the Required Issuer is present, the service checks that the iss header contains the same value, otherwise the validation fails. Leave the value empty to ignore that check.

Header Namespace

Special register namespace into which token headers will be saved.

The Header Namespace is a special register namespace into which token headers will be saved. For example, if the Header Namespace is hdrns and there is a header named alg with value RS256, this will create a special register named hdrns.alg with value RS256. When the Header Namespace is absent, the headers are not accessible.

Claim Namespace

Special register namespace into which claims will be saved. This is the only way to access the claims if the Output Document is the Input Document.

The Claim Namespace is a special register namespace into which claims will be saved. For example, if the Claim Namespace is claimns and there is a claim named sub with value user1, this will create a special register named claimns.sub with value user1. When the Claim Namespace is absent, the claims are not saved in special registers, but they may be accessible in the output document depending on the Output Document parameter.

Clock Skew

Sets the amount of clock skew in seconds to tolerate when verifying the local time against the exp and nbf claims.

The Clock Skew is the number of seconds to tolerate when verifying the local time against the exp (Expiration) and nbf (Not Before) claims.

Signature Validation



Accepted Algorithms

Comma-separated list of acceptable signature algorithms. The verification will fail if the value of the token alg header is not in this list. This can enforce the use of more secure algorithms with longer key sizes, and very importantly, reject unsigned tokens when none is not in the list.

The supported signature or MAC algorithms are:

HS256 HMAC using SHA-256

HS384 HMAC using SHA-384

HS512 HMAC using SHA-512

RS256 RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256

RS384 RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384

RS512 RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512

ES256 ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256

ES384 ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384

ES512 ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512

PS256 RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256

PS384 RSASSA-PSS using SHA-384 and MGF1 with SHA-384

PS512 RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512 and MGF1 with SHA-512

none No digital signature or MAC performed

Key Resolver

Specifies how the validation key is resolved. Secret Key always uses the same symmetric key specified with the Secret Key parameter. Fixed always uses the same key specified with the Validation Key Alias. Key Alias uses the alias in the kid header to retrieve the key from the keystore. Key Fingerprint uses the fingerprint in the kid header to retrieve the matching key from the keystore. None does not define a Key Resolver and therefore can only verify unsigned tokens.

The Key Resolver property specifies how the validation key is resolved. None does not define a Key Resolver and therefore can only verify unsigned tokens. Select Secret Key to always use the same symmetric key specified with the Secret Key parameter. Select Fixed to always use the same key specified with the Validation Key Alias. The remaining two options select the validation key depending on the value of the kid (Key Id) header in the token. This is useful if the token generation uses different keys depending on the service being secured or the partner receiving the token. Select Key Alias if the value of the kid header is the alias of the key in the keystore. Select Key Fingerprint to retrieve the public key with the matching fingerprint in the keystore.

Secret Key

Secret key to use as the fixed symmetric validation key. The string is converted to bytes using UTF-8 encoding.

For symmetric algorithms like HMAC, the validation key is the same secret key used for signing.

For asymmetric algorithms like RSA and ECDSA, the validation key must resolve to a public key. This can be a trusted certificate entry in the keystore, or a private key entry, as long as that entry also contains the corresponding certificate.

KeyStore Provider

Provider for the keystore containing the validation key.

Validation Key Alias

Alias of the validation key in the keystore when the Key Resolver is Fixed.

Validation Key Password

Password for the validation key. If left blank, the password for accessing the keystore will be used.


The following table lists the available edges that are returned by the JSON Web Token Verify service ( com.ibi.edaqm.XDJWTVerifyTokenAgent).




Token validated successfully.


An iFL expression could not be evaluated.


Operation could not be completed successfully.


Token validation failed.

Example 1

Example 1 creates a minimal token. You must always include at least one claim. This token is unsigned. Parameters not listed have their default value.


Parameter Value



Output Document


Accepted Algorithms


Key Resolver


Secret Key


Assume the special register jwttoken has the value:


The service returns these parsed claims in the output document:

 "subject": "user1",
 "claim1": "val1",
 "iat": 1580175501,

The token headers are not accessible since the Header Namespace is not defined.

Example 2

Example 2 validates a signed token, using a fixed validation key.


Parameter Value



Output Document


Header Namespace


Accepted Algorithms


Key Resolver


KeyStore Provider


Key Alias


Assume jwtks is a keystore provider pointing to a keystore that contains an entry with alias rsakey. This can be a trusted certificate entry for an RSA public key or a private key entry holding an RSA private key and its associated certificate.

Assume the special register jwttoken has the following value:


The service returns these parsed claims in the output document:

 "sub": "user1"

The special register hdrns.alg will be assigned the value RS256. Since the validation key is hardcoded, the kid (Key Id) header can be absent.

Now assume the special register jwttoken has the following value:


The service returns an error document and follows the fail_verify edge because the token is unsigned.

Example 3

Example 3 validates a signed token using a Key Resolver accepting only ECDSA algorithms.


Parameter Value



Output Document


Required Issuer


Header Namespace


Claim Namespace


Accepted Algorithms

ES256, ES384, ES512

Key Resolver


KeyStore Provider


Assume jwtks is a keystore provider pointing to a keystore that contains the validation keys. Since this example only accepts ECDSA signatures, the entries must be trusted certificate entries for ECDSA public keys and/or private key entries holding ECDSA private keys with their associated certificates.

Assume the special register jwttoken has the value:


The service returns the contents of the input document in the output document, but otherwise ignores it.

These special registers will be assigned the following values:

hdms.kid - es256key

hdrns.alg - ES256

claimsns.iss - org1

claimsns.sub - user1

The value of the iss claim is accepted because it is equal to the Required Issuer.

The service interprets the value of the kid (Key Id) header as a key alias and it resolves the validation key by retrieving the entry with alias es256key in the keystore.

Example 4

Example 4 validates a signed token with a plaintext payload, using a fingerprint Key Resolver.


Parameter Value



Output Document


Header Namespace


Accepted Algorithms

RS256, RS384, RS512, PS256, PS384, PS512

Key Resolver


KeyStore Provider


Assume jwtks is a keystore provider pointing to a keystore that contains the validation keys. Since this example only accepts RSA signatures, the entries must be trusted certificate entries for RSA public keys and/or private key entries holding RSA private keys with their associated certificates.

Assume the special register jwttoken has the following value:


The output document will be the flat data:

This is a plaintext claim

These special registers will be assigned the following values:

hdms.kid - 1b8aaa47ba71805f9767550dc379893928139388

hdrns.alg - RS256

The service interprets the value of the kid (Key Id) header as a key fingerprint. It enumerates the entries in the keystore until it finds a public key with a matching fingerprint.