Inserts data inside an XML document Service (com.ibi.agents.XDDocInsertAgent)



iIT Service Object:

format: Inserts data inside an XML document

Description: Inserts data inside an XML document. This is a specialized, high-speed transformation for special situations.




Data Source *

The text or XML data to insert in the document.

Data Format

Determines how the Data Source is interpreted. The Text format treats the Data Source as character data. The XML format parses the Data Source as an XML fragment within the XML Namespace context of the Parent Element.

Replace Content

Determines whether the existing children of the parent node are removed before the data is inserted.

XML Namespace Provider

The provider for the mapping between XML namespace prefix and namespace URI in XPath expressions. If left blank, the XPath expressions in the Parent Element and the Next Sibling cannot contain namespaces.

XPath Syntax

Determines which syntax level of XPath should be used. The default option selects the syntax level as set in the console global settings.

Create Parent Element

Determines whether the parent element is created, if it is missing.

Parent Element

The path to the element where the data will be inserted. If left blank, the parent is the root element. If Create Parent Element is true, the expression must adhere to Restricted XPath syntax, otherwise the expression may adhere to the full syntax of the XPath engine selected by the XPath Syntax parameter. Restricted XPath has the form /step1/step2/... where a step has the form ns:elem[predicate] or a pair of consecutive steps that has the form *[1]/self::ns:elem[predicate] to indicate the element must be the first child of its parent. The namespace prefixes are optional, but if present they must be declared in the XML Namespace provider. The predicate is optional, when present it has the form [@ns1:attr1='val1' and @ns2:attr2='val2' and ...]. If no element matches the Restricted XPath expression and Create Parent Element is true, then the necessary elements and attributes will be created such that the expression would match successfully.

Next Sibling

The path to the next sibling node. If the sibling node is found, the data will be inserted before this node, otherwise the data is added as the last child of the Parent Element.


The following table lists the available Line Edges for the Inserts data inside an XML document Service (com.ibi.agents.XDDocInsertAgent).

Line Edge



An exception occurred during execution.


The operation was successful.


A fail condition occurred during execution.


Could not perform the operation requested.


Could not parse a document.