HTTP Nonblocking Emit Service (com.ibi.agents.XDNHttpEmitAgent)



iIT Service Object:

emit: HTTP Nonblocking Emit

http: HTTP Nonblocking Emit


Emits HTTP messages to a client without interrupting a configured business process. For more information, see the iWay Service Manager Protocol Guide.




Configuration Parameters

Target URL

URL that is used to post this information.

HTTP Client Provider

HTTP client Provider that is used to manage connections for this emitter.

Cookie Store Name

Allows thread-specific management of cookies. If not specified, a cookie store global to the HTTP Client provider will be used.

Action Method

Select one of the following supported methods from the drop-down list:

  • GET method with data on the URL and URL Encoded.
  • POST method with a Content-Length header.

Request Content Type

Content type for the HTTP request to be sent by this emitter. Select a value from the drop-down list or provide your own.

User ID

User ID for Basic Authentication challenges.


Password for Basic Authentication challenges.


Domain for NTLM authentication challenges. Note that to use NTLM, you must enable connection persistence.

Request Header Namespace

Special register namespace from which HTTP headers for the outgoing request will be taken. Choose Default Namespace to send HDR type registers with no namespace prefix, or supply a namespace prefix here. None means that no special registers will be sent as HTTP headers.

  • Default Namespace. Sends HDR type registers with no namespace prefix.
  • Supply a namespace prefix here to indicate which headers to send.
  • none. Means that no special registers will be sent as HTTP headers.

Request Main Part Header Namespace

Special register namespace from which MIME headers for the outgoing request will be taken. Provide a prefix to control the request Main BodyPart headers in the presence of attachments. Selecting none means that no special registers will be sent as MIME headers.

Response Header Namespace

Special register namespace into which HTTP headers from the incoming response will be saved. Choose Default Namespace to create special registers with no namespace prefix, or supply a namespace prefix here. None means that no special registers will be created.

  • Default Namespace. Creates special registers with no namespace prefix.
  • Supply a namespace prefix here to indicate header namespace.
  • Empty namespace prefix will be treated as default.

Excluded Headers

A comma delimited list (case insensitive) of headers that should not be sent with the request, even if they are found in the request header namespace.

Ask for Compressed Response

If set to true, the request will set the accept-encoding to indicate that the client can accept a compressed response. If the response has a compressed content encoding, the client will automatically inflate the response.

Compress Request

If set to true, the request entities will be compressed using the selected encoding and the content-encoding header will be set accordingly.

Replace Connection?

If set to false, the connection is not returned to the connection pool immediately. The identifier of the connection will be stored in the HTTP client-key special register and the connection can be handled by the HTTP Client Manager agent.

Maximum HTTP Client Manager Delay

Maximum time the HTTP Client Manager can take to handle a particular connection before it is automatically aborted. The format is [xxh][xxm]xx[s]. The default is 60 seconds.

Try Expect/Continue Handshake?

If checked, client will send the HTTP Expect: 100-continue header and await HTTP 100 response before sending request body.

Chunk Encoded Request?

If set to true, request entity will be sent with chunk encoding.

Maximum Request Size

Maximum size, after compression, of a request entity that can be sent with this emitter. A value of 0 means no maximum and if no value is specified, the parameter defaults to 256KB.

Maximum Response Size

Maximum size of a response entity that can be received by this emitter. 0 means no maximum and blank will default to 256KB.

TCP Properties


If checked, ask the server to maintain the connection.

Response Timeout value in Seconds

The value in seconds to wait for a response before generating an error.

Agent Specific Parameters


Return from this agent. Choose input to return input document, status for an XML document with transaction parameters and status, or response to capture output from the server.


If set to true, the preemitters will not run.

Response Wrapper Tag

The tag name with which to wrap the response if the response is non-XML and must be XML.

Response Base64 Encoded

If set to true, the response will use Base64 encoding.


The following table lists the available line edges for the HTTP Nonblocking Emit Service (com.ibi.agents.XDNHttpEmitAgent).

Line Edge









  • OnError
  • OnSuccess
  • OnFailure
  • fail_connect
  • fail_info
  • fail_redirection
  • fail_client
  • fail_server
  • fail_operation
  • fail_parse
  • fail_request_too_large
  • fail_response_too_large