Avro File Listener




The Avro File Listener detects files in directories, opens each file as an Avro container, and returns the objects it contains one by one. The objects are converted to XML or JSON depending on the Conversion Format property. The conversion rules are documented with the Avro File Read service. For more information, see Avro File Read Service. Since the document will only contain one object, the container wrapper will be absent. For example, the root element will always be av:item when converting to XML.

Avro requires the presence of a schema. The Avro File Listener can use the schema always stored in the container, or it can specify a reader schema, where Avro will do its best to reconcile the two schemas. The effective schema is stored in the output document so it can serve as a default for the Avro File Emit service.


The following table lists and describes the parameters of the Avro File Listener.



Avro Schema

Path to the Avro Schema file. If absent, the schema stored with the data will be used.

Conversion Format

Format of the incoming Avro data after conversion. The choices are XML or JSON.

Input Path

Directory in which input messages are received. A specific file name or DOS-style regular expression pattern can be used. If you include the suffix in the pattern (such as ab*.xml) then be sure to configure the Suffix In to allow any suffix. Multiple locations can be specified, separated by a comma (,) or semi-colon (;) character.


Directory into which output files are stored. The specific file name is optional. Use an asterisk (*) in the file name to be replaced by a timestamp and number sign (#) by sequential counter. If required directories are not present at run time, iSM will attempt to create them. At run time, if it is unclear whether path names a directory or a filename, iSM will assume the path names a file.

Removal Destination

Full path file pattern asserting where input files will be moved. Use an asterisk (*) in file name to be replaced by timestamp and number sign (#) by sequential counter.

Suffix In Filter

The listener will match the extension exactly, in addition to the corresponding all-uppercase and all-lowercase extensions.

Specify xml to accept files with .xml extensions. Do not use a period (.) character. Instead, use the en dash (-) character to indicate no extension, or an asterisk (*) character to indicate any extension.

Scan Subdirectories

If true, all subdirectories will be scanned for files to process.

Suffix Out

Extension for output files (name is the same as the input file unless specified in the destination parameter).

Sort Order

Sort the incoming documents by the specified rule.

Maximum File Size

Only files smaller than this value will be processed by the listener. You can leave this field blank or set it to zero for no limit. The value can be entered with KB or MB, for example, 23MB for 23 megabytes, or enter with no suffix to specify size in bytes.

Large File Directory

Full path file pattern asserting where files exceeding the maximum file size will be moved. Use an asterisk (*) in file name to be replaced by timestamp and number sign (#) by sequential counter.

Batch Mode

If true, do not poll until all files from the previous poll have finished processing.

Inbound Header Namespace

Special register namespace into which metadata values for the input file will be saved.

Maximum Inputs

Maximum number of files that can be accepted for processing in a single poll. Note that if the number of files in the input directory exceeds this, sorting options may not work as expected. Enter 0 or leave blank for no limit.