

The show command displays information about iWay Service Manager (iSM). This command supports minimum recognition to make the first operand easier to enter. It also supports subcommands to detail which information is to be shown.

The show command uses the following format:

show <option>



Is a specific subcommand.

The remote command can be used to connect the command handler to other hosts (iwayhome instances on other computers) to investigate information on those systems.

The following sections describe the supported subcommands.


Displays the members of the current classpath.


Displays information about users who are logged on to the iWay Service Manager (iSM) Administration Console.


Shows information on reachable configurations on iWay Service Manager (iSM). For example:

* base          Port 9999  Server Uptime: 10 minutes      telnet port=23
Config1         [template]
inbound_config  Port 10004 Server is down


A descriptor is created when an application is deployed using iWay Integration Tools (iIT). It contains internal information, which is usually referenced by iWay Technical Support. The exact information that is returned by a descriptor command may vary between iWay releases.

You may be requested by iWay Technical Support to execute this command for troubleshooting or debugging purposes.

The show descriptor command uses the following format:

show descriptor app_name



Is the name of the application that is deployed using iIT.


show descriptor app1
show descriptor *

Note: An asterisk character (*) indicates the current configuration/application. Use with the remote command.


Display the prior ten error and warning messages.

The show errors command uses the following format:

show errors [-clear]

If -clear is used, then the table of messages is cleared.


The show extensions command displays the extensions that are currently in use by iSM. In addition, this command displays any extensions that failed to load. Extensions are used add components such as protocols to iSM. This is a diagnostic command and may be requested by iWay support. For example:

Enter command>show extensions
iwxbatch  (Not licensed)


Displays information about loaded exits.

The show exits command now requires an exit type.

[-sort <sort type> -low <key> -high <key>] [-detail]

The following table lists and describes the supported exit types that can be called. Additional exit types may be supported in a future release.

Exit Type



Activity log drivers such as BAM or XDTimeLogger configured for use.


Services (agents) available for configuration.


Correlation drivers configured for use.


Acquisition protocol handlers available for configuration.


Drivers such as activity log available for configuration.


Preemitters available for configuration.


Preparsers available for configuration.


Reply protocol handlers available for configuration.


Reviewers (called before parsers) available for configuration.

Note: If the detail switch is used, then additional information about the exit is displayed.

The following table lists and describes the supported sort types (ASCII order).

Sort Type



The formal name of the component.


The description (label) of the component as seen in configuration screens.

The following table lists and describes the supported sort filters (ASCII order).

Sort Filter



The lowest sorted value (by sort type) to be included.


The highest sorted value (by sort type) to be included.

Options include, displaying information about services (agents), preparsers, listener protocols, reply protocols, correlation, xalog exits, and so on. These exits are classes and not instances. It is dependent upon what is available in the server, and not what has been used. The available exits depend on the services that are installed.


Displays information about flows that have executed under a channel (for example, the contents of the flow cache) and flows that are available for execution by the flow command. The -sysonly switch can be used to avoid seeing the channel flows, and to only have system executable flows presented.


Displays help for specified iFL functions.

The show ifl command uses the following format:

show ifl [function]

If the function name is omitted, then the list of available iFL functions is shown. Otherwise, information is provided for the specified function, where available.


As iFL is compiled for use, it is placed into a cache. This command shows the contents of the cache. Normally this command is used only by iWay Technical Services. You cannot affect the cache, as it is internal to iWay Service Manager (iSM).

The show iflcache command uses the following format:

show iflcache [maxitems] [filepath]



Indicates the maximum items to display.


Writes the contents of the display to the named file.


Java cryptographic providers are used by iSM to provide security facilities. The loaded providers are used by the server in configuring available algorithms, and so on. For example:

show jceprovidersJCE Providers available:


Displays the manufacturer and version of the JVM.


Displays information about the current license, including feature codes, identified license files, and so on.


Displays the manifest for a specified .jar file. The default location is the current classpath.


Displays memory statistics. Interpretation of memory usage statistics are beyond the scope of this document. For display purposes, some of the repetitive portions of the examples have been omitted.

Memory alone provides a simple display.

memory max 65088K used 9336K, free 464K,
      nodes: total allocated 7441 namespace 3604
      Maps: funcs 0, xpath 0
      Heap: init 0K, used 8932K, commit 9336K, max 65088K
      Non-Heap: init 28864K, used 22852K, commit 32096K, max 118784K
      Garbage Collection Info
      Name: Copy   Collection count: 203   time: 454ms
      Name: MarkSweepCompact   Collection count: 0   time: 0ms

Memory detail yields a far more complete display.

memory max 65088K used 9336K, free 899K,
      nodes: total allocated 7441 namespace 3604
      Maps: funcs 0, xpath 0
      Heap: init 0K, used 8438K, commit 9336K, max 65088K
      Non-Heap: init 28864K, used 22860K, commit 32096K, max 118784K
      Garbage Collection Info
      Name: Copy   Collection count: 204   time: 455ms
         Memory Pools:
           Eden Space
           Survivor Space
      Name: MarkSweepCompact   Collection count: 0   time: 0ms
         Memory Pools:
           Eden Space
           Survivor Space
           Tenured Gen
           Perm Gen
           Perm Gen [shared-ro]
      Memory Pools Info
      Name: Code Cache
           Usage: init 192K, used 1613K, commit 1632K, max 32768K
           Peak Usage: init 192K, used 1613K, commit 1632K, max 32768K
           Type: Non-heap memory
           Memory Manager Names: CodeCacheManager
      Name: Eden Space
      Name: Perm Gen [shared-rw]
        Usage: init 12288K, used 5821K, commit 12288K, max 12288K
        Collection Usage: init 12288K, used 0K, commit 0K, max 12288K
        Peak Usage: init 12288K, used 5821K, commit 12288K, max 12288K
        Type: Non-heap memory
        Memory Manager Names: MarkSweepCompact

Java memory is under control of the system, and generally falls into four major categories.




Represents the initial amount of memory (in bytes) that the Java virtual machine requests from the operating system for memory management during startup. The Java virtual machine may request additional memory from the operating system and may also release memory to the system over time. The value of init may be undefined (0) on some platforms.


Represents the amount of memory currently used.


Represents the amount of memory (in bytes) that is guaranteed to be available for use by the Java virtual machine. The amount of committed memory may change over time (increase or decrease). The Java virtual machine may release memory to the system and committed could be less than init. Committed will always be greater than or equal to used.


Represents the maximum amount of memory (in bytes) that can be used for memory management. Its value may be undefined. The maximum amount of memory may change over time if defined. The amount of used and committed memory will always be less than or equal to max if max is defined. A memory allocation may fail if it attempts to increase the used memory such that used > committed even if used <= max would still be true (for example, when the system is low on virtual memory).


Packages are the primary method of adding components to iSM configurations, for example, iWay Integration Applications (iIAs) or applications. The show packages command displays packages and their contents for the iSM configuration, iIA, or application.

show packages [name]



Is the name of the specific server (iSM instance) to be reported. If omitted, then the current server is assumed.


The show policies command shows the current security policies. For more information on security policies, see the iWay Service Manager Security Guide.


The server maintains resource pools for internal use. The show pools command lists the pools currently in use, along with some usage information.


The show ports command shows the currently assigned IP ports and the corresponding channel with which they are associated.


iWay Service Manager (iSM) is configured with resource providers, offering centralized configurable control over resources such as keystores, namespaces, LDAP directory access, and so on. The providers command lists which providers are currently being used. Providers that have not ever been accessed for any purposes are not shown, even if configured.


Displays the status of a managed queue when the information is available to iSM.

ordered [Ordered]
  Name of Ordered Queue: ordered  [persistent]
    size: 78  added: 14390  removed: 14312  persisted: 14390  deleted: 0

The following table lists and describes the values that are returned.

Value Returned



The number of messages currently on the queue.


The number of messages added to the queue.


The number of messages removed from the queue and passed to a process flow.


The number of messages written to the persistence queue. Note that if there were any messages on the persistence store when the listener was started, this value may not equal the number shown as added.


The number of messages in cancelled batches.


Special Registers (SREGs) are variables (name/value pairs) used throughout iWay Service Manager (iSM). Registers call into a hierarchy of definition, and come in several types. For example, each listener has its own SREGs, available to all message channels that it controls. A set of SREGs is made available to all users in iSM. The show registers command displays a list of available SREGs in iSM.

Special Registers:
    Global (manager):
        iwayhome=[SYS] 'c:/iway8/'
        engine=[SYS] 'base'
        iwayconfig=[SYS] 'base'
        doclocation=[SYS] 'config'
        iway.serverfullhost=[SYS] ''
        console-master-port=[SYS] '9999'
        locale=[SYS] 'en_us'
        ibse-port=[CFG] '9000'
        iwayversion=[SYS] '8.0.SM'
        iwayworkdir=[SYS] 'c:/iway8/config/base'
        iway.serverip=[SYS] ''
        iway.serverhost=[SYS] 'beck-2'
        protocol=[SYS] 'SOAP'
        name=[SYS] 'SOAP1'
        protocol=[SYS] 'FILE'
        name=[SYS] 'filein'


The show retryinterval command shows the current setting of the retry interval. The retry interval controls the time that iSM will delay before attempting to start a channel that is properly configured but was unable to start for some external reason, such as the inability to reach a designated remote address.


Routes are used by the channels to direct the processing of incoming messages. The routes currently defined for each channel are shown by this command.


Currently defined schedules are displayed.


Java properties defined when starting the JVM are displayed. The classpath is not included, as it is available through the show classpath command. For example:

show syspropsIWAY61                                ='c:/iway80'
IWAY8                                 ='c:/iway80'
IWAY80                                ='c:/iway80'
asd                                   ='ddd'
awt.toolkit                           =''
file.encoding                         ='Cp1252'
file.encoding.pkg                     =''
java.vm.version                       ='24.45-b08'
javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory    ='org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl'      =''
line.separator                        ='\r\n'
os.arch                               ='amd64'                               ='Windows 7'
os.version                            ='6.1'
user.dir                              ='c:\iway80\config\base'
user.home                             ='C:\Users\Beck'
user.language                         ='en'
user.script                           =''
user.timezone                         ='America/New_York'
user.variant                          =''
Number of processors = 4


Displays the values of the Java system variables. You can restrict the display to one or a set by entering the “starting value” for the variables to be shown.

The following display shows all variables that begin with user:

show sysvars user


Displays thread information.

  • show threads [monitor | dump]: Command given to display thread information.
  • show threads (no operands): Each channel is shown. Under the manager, there is one thread for each channel name [called a listener] (SOAP1 and filein). Each has a set of threads for its message channel. For example, the filein listener there are three message channels, called W.filein.1 and so forth. The state of each thread is shown.
Thr-HSOAP1  [runnable]
Thr-FSOAP1  [timed_waiting]
W.filein.1  [timed_waiting]
W.filein.2  [timed_waiting]
W.filein.3  [timed_waiting]
console0  [blocked]
console1  [runnable]
console2  [blocked]
console3  [blocked]
console4  [blocked]
SOAP1  [timed_waiting]
	filein  [timed_waiting]
  • show thread monitor [on|off] controls a check of deadlocked threads. Use of this command can significantly affect system performance. To monitor deadlocks, first issue the thread monitor on command. Once issued, the thread deadlock monitor is activated. Then issue thread monitor to check for deadlocks. When you are finished with the testing, set the monitor off.
  • show thread dump issues a trace dump of every thread except the console thread. It is useful for tracking down problems, but is of limited use outside of iWay development.


Displays the values of the unique naming patterns currently in use. Show unique displays the following:

C:/fileout/test###.txt = 77
C:/outfiles/hippaout###.txt = 343

This means there are two unique naming patterns in use. The current setting value is shown above.

Note: Use set unique to reset values.


Displays the iSM version. A version consists of the main service level version, such as 8.0.0 and a build number, such as 1191. The build number is useful information to provide iWay Software Customer Support when an issue is being resolved. This number is the lowest build number of all iWay .jar files on the classpath.

Below the main version display is listed any iWay .jar files in the Java class path that have a build number greater than the main build number or have a build number that cannot be determined. These .jar files usually contain upgrade software patches, along with their build number and some build information.

Version 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT.1191
iwcore.jar          1191   PLATO      Sun 06/11/2017 03:42 PM EDT

This display shows that the iSM version in use is 8.0.0, and that two changes have been applied. The first is a general upgrade for one component and the second is possibly a special patch made. The exact format of the build information may vary based on the machine name and time of build. Additional information on any of the .jar files is available through the manifest command.

The following table lists and describes the switches that are supported by the version command:




Displays the version for all iWay .jar files, not only those with build version numbers greater than the minimum version number.


Adds additional information, including the name of the .jar file that is identified as the base version .jar file.

Use the version all command to display the versions of all iWay .jar files without filtering the date.


Information on currently defined activity log drivers is displayed. For example:

show xalogXALog Exits(1):Benchmarker: XDLogBase [anyRuntimeParm=false, canCancel=false, 
hasDomainError=false, name=xalog, runParms={events=false, skip=0, delim=comma, file=c:\fileout\timer###.txt}, runtimeParmArray=[false, false, false, false]]