How can iWay Service Manager Integrate With My Blockchain Application?

The blockchain workflow provides participants end-to-end visibility based on their level of permission. Detailed visibility of the workflow process is enhanced with real time exchange of events and documents.

This level of detail and transparency helps reduce fraud and errors, reduces the time required to complete the workflow, and improves the management of the workflow.

Note, the read on the specific peer in this diagram is only intended for illustration purposes. There is no inherent quality of the “local peer”.

Confederation of Applications

The blockchain in an actual usage scenario, provides a desired transaction record consistently across multiple parties that are interested in that information. Each member can be assured that all parties view the same information, although they may use this information for their own requirements. You can imagine this as the above diagram, but with access to the peers falling into a sector of application interest. The application-level data appropriate to that specific sector of interest may vary based on the specific purpose of the application, although all accept their input from the consistent blockchain data. The blockchain itself is the ledger of activity.

iSM works with and alongside your Hyperledger Fabric-based applications. Incorporating iSM into the blockchain workflow reduces process development cost and time as well as providing for faster implementation. iSM graphically builds your process flow and provides full integration and configuration via adaptors. The in-process flow query offers transaction intelligence and the ability to print logical reports.

iSM listeners provide input message protocols through dedicated event listeners.

Services help handle payloads and the Fabric facility offers services to support several means of posting transactions. iWay Service Manager (iSM) utilizes the following types of services to post to the blockchain: