Key Store Management


This section describes how to generate the keypair and generate the certificate signing request.

Note: In this section, iWay Software is used as an example for demonstration purposes. You must use the appropriate information that corresponds to your company or organization.

Generating the Key Pair

Use the following command to generate the key pair:

D:\certificate>keytool -genkey -v -alias iwaysoftware -validity 365 
-keyalg RSA -keypass iwaysoft -keystore iway.jks -storepass iwaysoft 
What is your first and last name?
What is the name of your organizational unit?
   [Unknown]:  iwaysoft 
What is the name of your organization?
   [Unknown]:  iwaysoft 
What is the name of your City or Locality?
   [Unknown]:  New York 
What is the name of your State or Province?
   [Unknown]:  New York 
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
   [Unknown]:  US 
Is, OU=iwaysoft, O=iwaysoft, L=New York, ST=New York, C=US correct?
   [no]:  yes 

Generating the Certificate Signing Request

Use the following command to generate the certificate signing request:

D:\certificate>keytool -certreq -alias iwaysoftware -file iwaysoft 
-keystore iway.jks -storepass iwaysoft 

Purchasing the Commercial Certificate From VeriSign or a Similar Certificate Authority

You must purchase the commercial certificate from VeriSign or a similar Certificate Authority (CA).

The following is a link to the VeriSign website that you can use:

Note: For a list of approved Certificate Authorities, it is recommended that you check with Salesforce.

Importing the Root Certificate and Intermediate Certificate

Once you receive the commercial certificate in the mail with the signed certificate, use the following command to import the root certificate:

D:\certificate>keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias verisign_root_ca 
-file verisign_trial_root.cer -keystore iway.jks -storepass iwaysoft 

When prompted regarding trust, enter Yes. Then import the intermediate certificate using the following command:

D:\certificate>keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias  
verisign_intermediate_ca -file verisign_trial_intermediate_ca.cer 
-keystore iway.jks -storepass iwaysoft 

Importing the Signed Certificate

Copy the signed certificate from the mail and paste it into a new empty file that has a .CER extension. Use the following command to ensure that the alias is the same as the one that is used during the key generation:

D:\certificate>keytool -import -alias iwaysoftware -file iwaysoft.cer 
-keystore iway.jks -storepass iwaysoft 

iWay Software
