Task Script Examples


This section provides examples that can only be executed as a Task because they require parameters to be set. Executing them in the file browser will result in an error appearing in the activity feed.

Note: All variables underlined must be defined when creating a Task.

Change Channel Worker Threads

The following example sets the number of worker threads for a channel to 2.

$(".channel").property(serverName, applicationName, channelName, "config.count", "2");

Change Server JVM Options

The following example sets the JVM options for a server.

$(".server").property(serverName, "config.JVM_OPTION", "-Xmx=512");

Deploy a Package

The following example deploys a package to a server. You must create a package from SPOG prior to deploying in a script. You cannot create a package in a script.

$(".package").deploy(serverName, packageArtifactName);

Undeploy a Package

The following example undeploys a package.

$(".package").undeploy(serverName, packageArtifactName);

Deploy an Application

The following example deploys an application. An example of portNumber could be 10003.

                         portNumber,	// integer
                         overwrite 	// boolean

Undeploy an Application

The following example undeploys an application.

$(".application").undeploy(serverName, applicationName)

Start an Application

The following example starts an application.

$(".application").start(serverName, applicationName);

Stop an Application

The following example stops an application.

$(".application").stop(serverName, applicationName);

Start a Channel

The following example retrieves all the channels from an application and starts the channel matching the channelName.

var channels = $(".application").channels(serverName, applicationName);
for(i in channels) {
        if(channels[i].name == channelName) {

Stop a Channel

The following example retrieves all the channels from an application and stops the channel matching the channelName.

var channels = $(".application").channels(serverName, applicationName);
for(i in channels) {
        if(channels[i].name == channelName) {