Receiver (Partner) Channel Overview


Partner will receive the incoming messages on the NAS2 listener and will verify the signature. Once the signature is verified, the message will be processed by the Process Flow. The process flow will call the Send MDN Now service (com.ibi.agents.XDMDNSendNowAgent) to send an MDN after it is done processing (Delayed MDN Feature). It will also demonstrate the use of namespaces to propagate information and modify MDN before emit. To view the detailed process flow configuration, you can import the process flow into iWay Integration Tools (iIT) Designer. This section only provides a brief overview of the process.

IWAY.NAS2.Sender Channel

  • PARTNER.NAS2.Listener: Receives documents on port 5555

  • PARTNER.Rec.AS2.Process: Processes the document and sends back a delayed MDN

    • Start

    • Output Received doc: Writes the payload document to the directory C:\NAS2_Demo\Output\PARTNER\received_as2_doc_*.xml

    • Set SREGS: Sets HDR special registers within the namespaces to be used by the Send MDN Now Node

    • Send MDN Now: This service has no parameters as it uses the configured namespace registers from the listener configuration and from the Set SREGs node.

    • QA After MDN Send: Outputs a file to C:\NAS2_Demo\Output\PARTNER\QA_After_MDN_isSend_*.txt showing the Special Registers after the MDN has been send. This will show that the received registers were mapped to the corresponding namespaces configured on the NAS2 Listener as well as the set registers for the set SREGs node.

    • End

  • default.outlet